So we had an awesome weekend. My sister came into town on Friday night, and we took her straight from the airport to her high school reunion. Zig and I didn't have plans after we dropped her off, by this time it was almost 7:45, so we decided to order something to go. We ended up ordering Little Anita's. For some reason I was craving sopapillas and a bean burrito. We called in our order and took it home to eat and veg on the couch. By this point I was STARVING! I excitedly cut open my burrito and took a bite. It was on the second bite that I noticed, this was not a bean burrito at all, instead it was shredded beef. I turn to look at Zig's food to make sure ours weren't switched and remembered he ordered a stuffed sopapilla. On his plate was a ground beef burrito. ::Insert emotional breakdown here:: I have no clue why, but this absolutely ruined my night and I just lost it. I called Little Anita's and made Zig go get the right order. Now Zig was starving and for anyone that knows him...he gets a little edgy when he is hungry. At this point I am sobbing, then I have remorse for making Zig go back, when I know he would be perfectly happy eating whatever they gave him at that point. In the midst of this, my mom calls and I yell at her because I am starving. Then I feel bad for yelling at her and start crying even harder. I mean, I have no clue what happened, but for some reason, the whole debacle was worth more tears than I have seen in months! Zig got home to my just sobbing on the couch and all he could do was laugh. In the end, the right food was the solver of all problems and we both agreed it was best that he went back. Neither he or I would have been satisfied any other way.
On Saturday I had my book club meeting at the St. James Tea Room (what a cool place) while Nicole, Chris, Rich and Rebecca went to see Bruno and when I go home we all just hung out and watched the 5th Harry Potter movie. (We are all getting so excited for the movie to open tomorrow. I am pretty jealous because Rich and Rebecca have tickets to the midnight showing). Then we had some friends over to watch the fight. Yesterday, we all went to breakfast with my Mommy and spent the rest of the day lounging, napping and finishing off the Harry Potter weekend marathon on TV. It was so nice to relax with family.
How far along?: 20 weeks!!!
Total weight gain: According to my home scale -3 pounds...hey at least I gained a pound.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, same as last week
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report, Thankfully!
Sleep?: It has been a lot better. I slept so good Saturday night and even last night. I don't think I moved!
Best moment this week?: Finally feeling the baby move and getting to see my sister
Movement?: I think so! Thump, thump, thump
Food cravings?: I was craving Mexican on Friday, as of right now, I am not craving anything.
Labor signs?: Nope
Belly button in or out?: In, but getting a little shallow.
What I miss: Dirty martini's and an ice cold beer on a hot day.
What I'm looking forward to: Zig getting to feel our little girl kicking away and getting the nursery set up.
Milestone: We are halfway there!
Here is the weekly baby size update and some pictures of my tummy too. I kind of have a hard time believing there is a cantelope in my belly. If there is, things must be a little crammed in there right now and it makes more sense why I get out of breath walking up stairs!

"Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed! "
She is still sitting really low. I can feel the thumps in my lower abs and my stomach is more round in my lower belly, making it look like more of a beer belly than anything.

I love reading your updates, cousin!