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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reality Check!

...So Michele and I went to the doctor to check for a heartbeat (see post below) and at first I was a little skeptical and all we could hear was Michele's heartbeat, then, like in a climax scene in a drama movie, the triumphant music started, and...thump thump thump thump. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I looked at Michele and she the biggest smile I had ever seen. So now we are pretty much out of the weeds. Later that day, I was at work and boom, I get my first dose of reality. What the hell am I going to do. We don't have a nursery set up yet, no crib, no bedding, no cloths, I am sure Michele whats me to paint...holy crap there is so much to do and so little time...AAAhhhhhhh. Deep breaths were about the only thing to get my heart rate down. Now it's been about a week and I am still a little stressed, but with that whole patience thing I was talking about, I'm just going with the flow.

I am human though, and every once in a while I get a little irritated. It is usually around dinner time. Because I know the routine; Come home, ask how Michele's day was, sit on the couch for about 5 minutes thinking of 37 ideas for dinner because close to all of them will be shot down. Then I ask the preemptive strike..."What do you feel like for dinner?"...I always ask with a little twinge in my face because I almost always know the answer. "Just pick something?" Bless her heart, I know nothing sounds good, and I know she is tired of me here is what ends up happening...

I make what ever the hell I feel like. I do this for two reasons; one, she usually doesn't eat more than a small amount anyway, and two, I know whatever is left I will get to eat as left overs, so truly it's a major win-win.

Oh, I forgot to tell you about the triggers...oh man the triggers have to stop. Basically its a random word that leads to other words...that lead to a craving. Here is an example for what goes down.

Sean ...blah blah blah so and so just went on a cruise...
Michele know what sounds good, pistachio almond ice cream...
Sean ...(thinking to myself) how the hell did she get pistachio almond ice cream out of

After much hard thinking, here it, cruise equals pistachio almond ice cream.

I must be very careful what I say, as it may lead to me fetching a fix!

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