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Monday, June 22, 2009

Points to the Poll in the upper right hand corner....

Vote...Just do it. It will be fun! Here is the order of questions I am asked on a continual basis.

1. How far along are you?
2. Do you know what you are having?
3. Are you going to find out?
4. Do you have any sort of feeling of what you are having? followed by "when I was pregnant I just knew the baby was a (fill in the blank)
5. Do you have an names picked out?

So here are my answers usually

1. I am currently XX weeks or XX months depending on who is asking. You'd be surprised how many people don't know that women are usually pregnant for 40 weeks and some just like to hear in months. I usually say the weeks first and if I get the blank stare I convert it to months.
2. Nope not yet
3. Heck yes, I am a planner. When they respond with "don't you want it to be a surprise" I say, it is just as much of a surprise at 18-22 weeks than it is at 40. There is a 50/50 chance I am having a boy or girl and I am really not that good at predictions, so yes, it will be a surprise, just around 19 weeks (hopefully!).
4. I have no clue. I must have terrible intuition, because I honestly have no feeling either way and I really don't wish for one over the other. I just want a healthy baby. I will say that if I had a boy this time around, life would be so much easier and there would be a lot less pressure. Since Zig is the last male on his side, we pretty much need a boy to continue on the family name. However, we would be just as happy with a little girl. We wanted a baby for so long, I will take what ever I am given!
5. No names yet. We will have a hard enough time narrowing it down to one name, I don't want to have to pick out both girl names and boy names. We will wait till we know what we are having and go from there.

So that is that! Now go vote!

1 comment:

  1. The Iowa Farmer's WifeJune 22, 2009 at 10:24 PM

    Ha, gotta love those questions. My old boss liked to tell people I was 2 months pregnant when I was 8 mos and people would just look at me like I was nutso. Yeah and I love how they tell you you're preggo for 9 months, but it's really 10. :)
    I sort of wanted a boy first so we could have that older brother, but I knew it was a girl. In fact, when the u/s tech said what do you think I said--I think it's a girl and she said, "You're right." I don't know why I thought that.
    I'll be thinking boy thoughts for you!
