Ok, so let me start off by saying our dinner plan has really not worked out as planned. Actually, we haven't been too bad. Zig and I were both deathly ill on Tuesday night. Seriously. All we ate was 2 pieces of toast each (and I snuck in a small bowl of ice cream later only because I was feeling a little bit better and that was all that I thought I could eat that wouldn't make me sick again). Last night we had the steak and veggies and tonight I made the Roasted Red Pepper Penne. That is where the OMG comes in. This was delicious. The only modification I made was I added crushed red peppers because we like things spicy! Next time I make it I will probably cut the meal in half (unless we find out tomorrow that the leftovers reheat ok) and I will add some chicken for protein. This was really easy to make and took no time! You can get the recipe here if interested. Yummy! This will definitely go in our rotation.

How far along?: Today, I am 28 w 6 days.
Total weight gain: still +3
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?: Meh, nothing to brag about. My favorite new comment I get from complete strangers and even some co workers is "Make sure you get your sleep now, because in a few months you won't be getting any!" Really people! Thanks for stating the obvious, but here is the thing, my sleeping now, will in no way help me 3 months from now because as far as I know you cannot save sleep in a special bank for the future. I am trying to sleep, but in order to avoid 3-4 trips to the bathroom during the night, I have to stop drinking water at 2pm. And that is not going to happen.
Best moment this week?: According to Zig "getting to see Emily move around like crazy in my belly." Last Friday we had a movie night and when Zig was tickling my tummy, you could see her moving following his hand. It was great.
Food cravings?:Nothing in particular, but I am loving fruit cobblers these days.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but still looking a little weird these days.
What I miss:Not getting up a million times a night to go to the bathroom
Total weight gain: still +3
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?: Meh, nothing to brag about. My favorite new comment I get from complete strangers and even some co workers is "Make sure you get your sleep now, because in a few months you won't be getting any!" Really people! Thanks for stating the obvious, but here is the thing, my sleeping now, will in no way help me 3 months from now because as far as I know you cannot save sleep in a special bank for the future. I am trying to sleep, but in order to avoid 3-4 trips to the bathroom during the night, I have to stop drinking water at 2pm. And that is not going to happen.
Best moment this week?: According to Zig "getting to see Emily move around like crazy in my belly." Last Friday we had a movie night and when Zig was tickling my tummy, you could see her moving following his hand. It was great.
Food cravings?:Nothing in particular, but I am loving fruit cobblers these days.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but still looking a little weird these days.
What I miss:Not getting up a million times a night to go to the bathroom
What I'm looking forward to: The car seat coming in the mail
So, in other news, my mom and I slaved away at a garage sale on Friday and Saturday of last week and we did AWESOME. Seriously, normally you have a ton of stuff to take to Goodwill afterwards and neither of us had more than maybe a box full of crap. It was great! Plus, Zig and I got around to rolling the rest of the money we found in the garage (Except for some pennies) and the grand total of all the change that has been in our garage or closet for at least the last 7 or 8 years was ::drumroll:: $423. WHAT?!?! What a pleasant surprise!
I also had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday. Everything is looking good. My belly is measuring right at 28 weeks, which is good. I did voice a concern about my weight. I was worried because in the beginning I was told I should gain around 25lbs, so the fact that I am really only up 3 had me worried. There are a lot of moms out there giving me the death glare right now, so let me explain. I mean I am not complaining. The less weight I have to lose the better, but I just want to make sure Emily is getting everything she needs and is growing on track. I am constantly eating! My dr. said that 3 lbs is a little low, but it is clear that I am getting bigger and Emily is moving like crazy, so she is sure everything is fine. Just for piece of mind though, we will do another u/s at our next appointment in about 2 weeks to check her size. It will be nice to see her again (and to make sure she is still a she. This would totally happen to us. We would go the full term thinking we are having a girl and it will end up a boy!).
Finally, here I am at 28w, 3 days. I don't have makeup on...Don't judge

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