But, in my defense last week was a crazy week. I needed to focus on studying more than anything. I took the last part of my exam on Friday (hopefully it truly is the last time I have to take it.) I don't know how I feel about it, I just know it is over for now and now I just wait for about 3 weeks for my results. I am not good at Tax. I will just leave it at that.
In other news, I have the most amazing husband in the WHOLE world. I am so lucky to have someone so handy. I am convinced the man can do it all. I came home from work on Friday to my husband unloading giant solid wood doors. He decided that it was time for operation garage organization and that he was going to build shelving out of the wooden doors to organize it all. (I think he is nesting.) I kept him really busy on Saturday. Since I had been studying and since we had been going NON STOP for weeks, if not months now, our house was in desperate need of a deep clean. On Saturday, I woke up early to go and get my gestational diabetes blood work done (drinking 16oz of unfrozen orange otterpops (which is exactly what it tasted like) sounds good at first, but it was so sweet and cold, it was a little rough chugging that stuff down). While I was out doing that, Zig swept and mopped the floors and did an overall straightening of our clutter. When I got home, we finished with the rest of the vacuuming, dusting, wiping of surfaces, spot cleaning the carpet, etc. It is a lot of work! Then, since we are having a garage sale this weekend, we decided it was time to clean out the dresser in the guest room, which has over that last 4 years, become where we shove random stuff. We were done by about 12:30 and then were invited to go bowling with Mom and Robert. Zig was relieved when our chores for the day were done. We had a nice relaxing afternoon with our family, which I think is the best way to spend the weekend.
On Sunday, I went to breakfast with my mom, brother and Rebecca and afterward my mom and I went looking for a pack n play for her house. It was nice to spend some quality time with just my mom and I. When I got home, I was literally AMAZED at what Zig had accomplished. I wish I had taken before pictures! Where there were once mismatched shelves, now stood some study wooden built in shelving. He had gotten a ton done in the short time I was away, all by himself. I helped him (ok I watched) build the last set of shelving and then we tackled the organization of all our crap. We got rid of a ton of things that were just collecting dust and did an awesome job of organizing things so they will be easy to find. Most of the stuff in our garage is either holiday decorations or hunting gear. I will take some pictures this weekend of the finished product. I am really so proud of Zig for what he accomplished. We have a ton more room and were able to reorganize some things to make the garage more functional. We also found a huge coffee can full of silver change. Last night we started sorting it into rolls and I am thinking that we have a couple hundred bucks worth! Crazy that we have had hundred of dollars sitting in our garage for who knows how long!
Ok, on to the survey and pictures.
How far along?: 27 w 4 days.
Total weight gain: still +3, which is surprising because I feel like I have been eating like crap!
Maternity clothes?: still bottoms for the most part, I have a couple shirts in the rotation, but I can still mostly wear my pre-pregnancy tops.
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?: Here and there. I actually found out I am anemic (BOO), which explains why I have been tired lately. I have felt a lot better than I did a few months ago though. I still kind of roll onto my stomach at night, but am getting more used to side sleeping these days.
Best moment this week?: Seeing the baby kick. She is getting much stronger. It is actually really cool seeing her move from the outside and Zig still loves to feel her moving around every night before bed.
Food cravings?:I still don't really "crave" anything. I love salty food and sweets, that is for sure, but there is nothing I really crave.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but looking a little weird these days.
What I miss: Nothing really. I am actually really happy right now.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the car seat ordered and our bedding getting here so we can finish the nursery.
Milestones: We are in double digits. The countdown has officially started. We have 88 days to go till Emily's due date!
And here I am at 27 weeks. We didn't even get around to taking a picture last week. Boo!

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