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Monday, August 3, 2009

You have to give to recieve!!!

So it's been a while, sorry to all my fans. Let's call it a sabbatical shall we. Let me catch you up on the lastest happenings. So lately I have been Mr. Handy. I don't know why but every now and again, probably becuase Miche makes me, I get this urge to fix something. This time it happened to be a wall for Michele's sorority. Yeah, I guess there was a plumbing leak and You-Know-Who got volunteered to fix it. Couldn't have come at a better time because of this urge to do something with my hands. So to skip the technical talk, I basically hung some drywall and mudded my joints (don't ask). I have accomplished a hell of a lot more than I thought I would in only two days. So now I am almost done and can't believe how good my work turned out, seriously (I am actually surprised).

Aside from all that, Michele and I both had a very productive was our plan...

1. Move stuff out of spare room
2. Take garage sale items to Michele's mom's house for future garage sale
3. Take crap to Goodwill
4. Paint the spare room
5. Take TV to Rebecca's
6. Go clean up at Michele's sorority house
7. Pick up new baby furniture
8. Assemble new baby furniture
9. Decorate new baby room

Well here's how it went down... Moving stuff is easy when you have two people. Since the wife can't lift very heavy things, really I just wouldn't let her, we will count her as half a person for now. So we basically have 1.5 people to move some pretty heavy stuff...a TV being the most heavy (who knew). We got a futon, two chairs, a table, a workout machine, and a karaoke machine all loaded in the truck and taken to Michele's mom's house (thanks Mary). Then we came back home, loaded a bunch more crap and took it all to now I am feeling great because it's only about 10:00 AM. Then we head back home to paint. That was a task, one room, one gallon, 1.5 people...success is imminent. Michele is actually a very good painter...and a trooper at that. Since Rebecca wasn't home the TV idea was out, that and I couldn't lift the heavy-a$$ thing...So we decide to call it a day.

The next morning 8:00 sharp, I head to Kappa to clean my mess from the repair work. I technically didn't get there until about 10:00 but that's another story. So I get there and the House Mom just so happened to be there...long story...really long story...I get out of there at about cleanup work took only about 8 minutes. Figure that one out. I head to pick up Robert (who BTW is rocking awesome for helping) to help move the 13-ton TV and pick up the new baby furniture. So three 800 lb. boxes and one destroyed wall candle sconce later, a sore back and smiles all around...we have our new baby's room.

All I can say is...thank god we didn't paint the room pink!!!

Love you all, that's it from me for now!

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