How far along?: 23 w 4 days.
Total weight gain: 0 I am officially at my starting weight
Maternity clothes?: Still just bottoms
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?: Pretty decent, but I have to switch sides often
Best moment this week?: Setting up the nursery and Zig getting to feel the baby kick
Food cravings?: Beer. I actually bought some NA beer. Yes it still has a little bit of alcohol in it, but I would have to drink 6 to equal 1/2 a bud light so I think I am fine. I had one and it definitely satisfied my craving.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In
What I miss: Nothing really. Things were good this week.
What I'm looking forward to: Zig has only felt her once, so I'd love for her to give her daddy a big kick.
This weekend we had a productive weekend as you all probably read from Zig's blog. We got a lot done! The biggest was the progress we made on the nursery. All we need is the bedding (which my sister's good friend Rachael is going to send us in a couple weeks...have I mentioned we have the best friends and family), the mattress, a glider and decorative accessories. I ordered the sign to put above her crib, so that should be here soon! It is good to get to check lots of things off our to do list! Here are some pictures!

And here I am at 23 w 4 d. I am pretty sure I popped this week. People are starting to ask if I am pregnant so I may be out of the "did she gain 10 lbs or is she pregnant?" phase.

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