How far along?: 24 w 3 days.
Total weight gain: +1
Maternity clothes?: Still just bottoms, but some of my tops are starting to get a little short. On Saturday, I was still able to fit into some of my pre pregnancy shorts, which I was pretty stoked about.
Stretch marks?: Nothing new to report
Sleep?:Meh, nothing to brag about
Best moment this week?: Zig officially got to feel Emily move several times. Last night she gave him a few good hard kicks. I love the look on his face when she does that.
Food cravings?:Nothing really
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: In, but getting a little shallow
What I miss: Sleeping comfortable on my stomach
What I'm looking forward to: getting all the cool girfts that we received from Jenn, Alice and my mom hung on the wall and finishing the nursery
Milestones: We have reached viability. Basically, if Emily was to come tomorrow, she would have a fighting chance at survival. No I don't ever wish that she would come early, but there is something comforting knowing that if anything was to go wrong at this point, the doctors would do everything they can to try and save her life.
So we received a really cool and super thoughtful gift in the mail from cousin Alice today. I am glad that we have some crafty family members, because that is something I lack these days. Look how cute these are! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Salzwedels! We love them and they are going to go perfectly in Emily's room! Sorry these pictures aren't that great! My camera battery was about to die and I wanted to make sure to get my post in earlier this week since I have been so late.
The Kaase's were also in town this weekend and my very creative and artistic sister in law made this for Emily's room. I love them and they match our bedding! I am horrible at hanging things straight though, so I am waiting for Zig to get them put on the wall.

My mom just got back from Alaska and Seattle and saw this print when she was at the Fish Market in Seattle. It is perfect because it is a little ladybug on top of a gerber daisy. (Gerbers were Grandma Griego's favorite flowers) and I was planning on getting a small vase with a couple fake gerbers to go on top of the dresser.

And check out all the clothes this little girl has so far. We received a couple outfits from my sister when she was in town in early July and a TON of outfits in different sizes from JoAnn and Robert. She is one spoiled little girl already!

Finally, here are some pictures of the tum. Seriously, where did this come from?!?

Love it! I am so excited for you. She is going to be one spoiled little baby!!! :) Is she the first grandbaby on both sides? I didn't know if Zig's fam had any, yet. Girl clothes are SO much fun. My mom spoils P rotten.
ReplyDeleteAnd yay for showing! :) There is comfort in knowing that info. We had a scare and ended up at the hospital at 28 weeks. I was so scared and thought I'd be having a super premature baby, but God is good. It did help to know though that she'd have a good chance of surviving at that time.
Love every minute of your pregnancy, it goes by in an instant! :) Of course, then you get a little bundle of joy to hang out with. :)