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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hats Off to the Most Amazing Woman!

So I can't tell you how many people have given me the "Oh your whole life is going to change" speech, or the "good luck with getting any sleep" comments. Well here is what I say to that, "This is the most awesome experience of my life, and I am sleeping just fine thank you". Here is why, first, I have a ridiculously awesome wife. She is a natural mother, maybe a little paranoid, but still rocking awesome. Some time between the pushing and first feeding her maternal instincts kicked in. Michele, my hats off to you. You are already a fabulous mother. Second, we have a pretty sweet system in place. I do everything during the day, and I mean everything. I try to make sure that Michele and the baby have everything they need. I don't complain, I don't make excuses, I don't take turns. No whining, I just do it. Reason...she lets me sleep at night. When we give Emily her last feeding of the evening (about 10:30) I help with the burping and changing. Then I am off to bed. I don't hear a peep until 6:00 when the alarm goes off. That's right, my wife, in all her amazing ways, gets up at 2:30 and feeds our little one without me. What have I done to deserve such a wonderful person. Her reason is that I don't have boobs (thank god) so why is it necessary for me to get up to feed her. Thanks babe!!! This trade-off, has allowed me to be fresh all day, which allows me to take care of anything that Michele or the baby needs. I love my wife, I would lie in traffic for her, and her 7 hours of broken sleep is such a selfless act, it makes me feel so blessed.

And about the previous post...and my crazy sleeping habits, it is important to know that the wad of blankets I was cradling did have something there, it was Bodhi, and it was probably the best sleep that dog ever got. I must have held him for three hours...lucky little sh* when he finally moved, that's when I woke up, and with a half-asleep arm, naturally I thought it was don't judge...I was doing the right thing!!!

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