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Monday, November 9, 2009

Policy Schmolicy

So the managing partner of my firm came up to me when I was in the middle of discussing financials with a co worker and asked when I was done if I could go to his office. My first thought, was "great, what did I do now?" but shrugged that off thinking, things have never been better and the only thing they really had against me was telling me I am a cranky pregnant lady. I actually was thinking, "Hey maybe since I won't be here when they give out bonuses (or promotions :) ) this year, that they decided to let me know early." WRONG. Instead, I was told that HR was running some numbers (they should leave that to us accountants) and have found that the way my leave is falling, I will not be in compliance with our "annual leave carry forward policy" and therefore I may have to start my leave early, so that I am in "compliance." My work is very generous and allows us to carryforward 200 hours or 5 weeks. If Emily comes on time, the first 2 weeks of my leave will be paid maternity, the next 4 short term disability, then I would take 6 weeks of PTO. What this means is my PTO won't start until January and because of this, I will be carrying forward around 250 hours, 50 hours over policy. So they want me to take those 50 hours before my due date. That would mean that next Monday would be my last day of work. Dear HR, um thanks for the freaking forwarning! I was already stressed out about my deadlines and now you are telling me I have to leave a week and half earlier than anticipated. That sucks! I want all the time after the baby. I mean what if she is late! That could mean I would only get 9-10 weeks and not the full 12 I have been saving for. Boo, HR, boo. How come no one did "the math" a month and a half ago when I met with HR to tell them my plan? I am hoping that they will still let me work up to my due date and take 2 weeks of vacation at the beginning and bill the Maternity leave at the end. I mean, it's 6 to 1, 1/2 dozen to the other. Does it really matter? I am not asking to carry forward more hours so I can go on a vacation next year. By the time I come back I will have drained my PTO to about 2 days! I am already missing out on all the holidays (which if she does come before Thanksgiving, that totals to almost a week of missed holiday pay)! I find out tomorrow what they figured out after they run some more "numbers." Hey, maybe it won't be a big deal. Maybe miss Emily will come a few days early and it won't matter. :) Say a prayer for my sanity. If I have to sit at home waiting for her, I may go crazy! ::VENT OVER::

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