Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 19 and 20 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of an mango and a canteloup! REALLY?? A canteloup?? That seems much bigger than a mango...meh
Total Weight Gain/Loss:I am not sure, but I am sure it's probably a lot because I am hungry all.the.time.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much still pants, and some tops. My belly is growing everyday though
Movement: Yep. Lots of sweet little thumps. I love it! Mostly at night when I am just starting to relax.
Sleep:Not too bad. I use a pillow to help prop me on my side, which allows me to sleep a little more on my stomach, so I am sleeping pretty good.
What I miss: I am too busy to really miss anything, but I really do miss a nice glass of red wine.
Cravings: Food in general. I can't get enough. I really do need to start watching what I eat though.
Symptoms: Other than feeling the baby move, and eating a ton, nothing really. My headaches seem to have subsided. ::knock on wood:: Maybe the chiropractor really worked!
Best moment this week:Finding out it's another girl! And planning out Emmy's room!
Here is a picture from week 20. You can find my belly pics from week 19 and 20 with Emily here and here. I would say I am definitely bigger this go round :)
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