Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 16 and 17 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of an onion and a sweet potato!
Total Weight Gain/Loss:According to the doctors scale I am up 5 lbs. total. 3 in the last month, but she is not worried about the gain overall. This is a vast improvement over my gain with Emily, which was still in the negatives at this point last time. I just really need to focus on eating healthy, or I am going to pay for it after delivery!
Maternity Clothes: Pants and a couple tops, because I have them. I definitely look pregnant.
Movement: Little flutters. Especially when I first lay down at night.
Sleep: Pretty good. I am still able to sleep kind of on my tummy which is nice.--Same
What I miss: Haven't missed a whole lot really. Maybe I miss not being so tired?
Cravings: Still water. I have been loving salads lately too. Carbs, of course. No food in particular really. Still more salty/sour than sweet. Symptoms: Headaches. I mentioned that I was still having bad headaches and she gave me a prescription for when they are really bad. I also started going to the chiro because my tech has been really tight, and she mentioned that might have something to do with it. We will see how it goes for the next few weeks.
Best moment this week:Scheduling the u/s and getting excited for nursery/big girl room planning!
Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks. Here is where you can see what I looked like last time around for week 18. I guess I forgot to take pictures for 17 weeks last time. I feel like I looked more pregnant last week than this week, and I definitely look more pregnant overall!!
Week 17
Week 18
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