and 2011

It's totally crazy to me how much she has changed, yet how much has stayed the same. She still has the same silly grin, she is just bigger, has longer hair, and a heck of a lot more teeth. I didn't realize how much the gap between her two front teeth had closed. Here are a couple more pictures from our day. We had the best time! Ate lots of food, pet lots of animals, slide down the slide with Mr. Mike, and picked out a teenie tiny Emmy sized pumpkin.
PS getting my child to smile for the camera is next to impossible.

Checking out the bunnies

Checking out all the animals. The girls loved this!

"Hehe, he "yicked" me mommy!"

I just love their little shadows!

Sliding with Mr. Mike

Rocking out to the awesome band!

Yeah, I would say she had a good time. Can't wait for next year!

She's gotten so big! I can hardly believe its the same little girl.