Her vocabulary and ability to put together crazy sentences continues to amaze me. She is an AMAZING communicator and continues to learn everyday.
-She eats great at school. Not so great at home for dinner. We are working on it. It has been really tough with my food aversions to offer her what we are eating, because honestly we are eating like crap. She eats a lot of peanut butter and jelly, which she really doesn't seem to mind, when she actually feels like eating dinner that is.
-She is obsessed with cheetos and cinnamon toast waffles. (She gets the reduced fat Trader Joe's cheese puffs and whole grain waffles) Shewould live on that if we let her.
-Sleep. Oh sleep. She has been going through these crazy sleep changes where she sleeps awesome and then sleeps terrible. Right now she sleeps great, she just doesn't want to go to sleep right away, which usually results in about 10 mins of tears before she settles down. We are planning to take off the front of her crib next weekend to start the big transition. We got a great new monitor that allows us to move the camera all around the room, which I think will be great when we make the big move. :)I think she is ready.
-She is getting 2 new molars, which leaves her with only 2 more teeth to go. This could also play a part in why her sleep and eating habits have been off.
-She has a new found love for Sophie the giraffe again this month. Her buddies now include Sophie, Howie and Lamby. They go everywhere together.
-She loves to read, but thinks board books are for babies. She likes big girl books and actually takes really good care of them. We read several books each night before bed. It's actually pretty fun to put her down for bed because she is so snuggly. That is until it is time to actually lay her down for the night. That's not so fun.
-She loves Crocs and hates socks. She actually slept in a pair of her crocs the other night.
-Any time she gets hurt, she insists we "siss" it. Everyone in the room must kiss her owie.
-She loves to take your nose, but hates to give it back. She is so funny because she will take it and then run and put it on the wall. You have to beg for her to give it back, and when she finally gives in, she will retrieve your nose from the wall and return it. If you try and hold her nose hostage, well you are just playing with fire.
-She refers to all cats as "Charlie". Charlie is Miss Stephanie's cat. She loves him. She has memorized the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." If you name the color, she knows what animal is next. When you get to the purple cat, she will tell you it is a purple Charlie. It's pretty cute.
-She is making progress on the potty, but we are still not pushing it. If she asks to go, we take her. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't, but she ALWAYS wipes and flushes. We will probably really start trying in December. I am planning on moving her into her new room in November and don't want to push to much on her too quickly. I think once we actually committ to it, she will pick it up pretty quickly.
-She can count to 10, but she is no show pony. She will do it and many things on her own time and not because you asked. She also knows most of her alphabet, but sometimes you have to chime in to keep her going. We are working on the sounds the letters make now. We have been watching the Leap Frog Letter factory and she is really picking up on the sounds, which is fun.
-She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Loves it.
-She can tell you the sound of every letter of the alpahbet and will tell you her name if you ask.
And here are a million pictures. You.Are.Welcome. :)
We took Emmy to the Balloon Fiesta earlier this month. She loved it. She kept telling us, "Boon FLYING NOW." There was a shark balloon that she thinks was Baby Beluga (have I mentioned that she LOVES Baaby Belgua. I mean LOVES. She asks to hear the song a million times in our 10 minute car ride to school) Anyway, She yelled "Baby Beluga, FLYING NOW." For days after. Clearly she is obsessed with baloons too. Look at the picture below. She could not stop starting at them.

OMG these pics are so cute!!!! I love the jacket she has on in her "old lady" pic!!!! <3