Anyway, here is a little update
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 21 and 22 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, at 21 weeks the size of a banana. And month 5 which is weeks 22-24 she is the size of a papaya. So I guess it goes by months from here on out. Boring.
Total Weight Gain/Loss:up 8 lbs total. Could be worse. I expected worse with the amount of pumpkin bars and junk I have been consuming these days.
Maternity Clothes: Yep
Movement: Lots of movement. Swoon...
Sleep:Still not bad. I really can't complain
What I miss: I can't really think of anything? I miss my sister I guess. Not really pregnancy related, but true
Cravings: Food in general. I can't get enough. Same as last week. I really just want to eat all the time. Nothing specific though.
Symptoms: Um, giant belly? No other "symptoms" per say.
Best moment this week:I would say that over the last few weeks, I have really enjoyed spending time with family. Emmy is such a blast these days!
You can find belly pics from week 21 and 22 from my last pregnancy here!
Week 21-Baby #2
Week 22-Baby #2
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