I don't know if any of this is "new," but this is what she is up too...
*She loves to sing. She sings a lot of songs we understand, and a million we don't but her voice is so so sweet.
*She can sing her ABC's and make all the letter sounds. She loves the Letter Factory by Leap Frog. It has been a great learning tool for her. She runs around telling us all the sounds the letters make.
*She is very independent. She says "Emmy do it" to pretty much everything. She loves putting her shoes on, or anyone's shoes on really. She is pretty good at it. Not always the right foot, but a good effort.
*She is a girly girl. She LOVES to dress up. And she loves heels. She is really good at walking in them too. She has been putting my heels on for months now, but she wears little princess dress up shoes at school a lot and can literally run in them. That's my girl!
*Howie, Lamby and Sophie are all her best friends. Really, not sure if that will ever change. Zig took a video of her last night putting them all to sleep in her bed. I will have to upload it.
*She seems so much bigger to me these days, but I think she is still probably a peanut. Especially when I found clothes that she wore last winter are still fitting her! She wears 18 month pants that are giant on her waist, 18-24 month shirts, size 4 diapers, and between 4 and 5 shoes.
*Sleeping in her bed is going great! She has only gotten out of bed once since we made the move. She opened the door and yelled down to Zig and I "I go down stairs now, Ok mommy!" It was really cute.
*Want to know what happens when your daughter silently wakes up from a nap and plays in her room for who knows how long...
I walked in to find her laundry basket EXPLODED all over the room and she was sporting this little get up. Hysterical.
*She loves to read books. She will ALWAYS ask for another one before bed.
*She loves pink and princesses.
*She especially loves to have her nails painted.
*She says the funniest things. She always has us laughing. This truly may be my favorite age. She is a riot.
We did take her "trick or treating" on Monday. I use the term loosely because we only went to Noni's house and to see Papa (Grandma was out of town.) She loved her little outfit. I personally am not a big Halloween fan, but I will play along with the kids. I really wanted her to re wear her tutu from my sisters wedding, so I paired it with some leopard ears and a tail and she was a little cat. According to my brother, she was not a leopard, since her body was sans spots, but whatever. She was more of a hybrid panther/leopard, but it was still adorable and she loved it.
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