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Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello bebe

Much like with Emily, I started spotting around about 6 weeks. Last week I actually had a little bleeding, so I called the doctor, just to keep her informed. Her nurse asked me to come in for an ultrasound just to make sure everything was looking ok. We walked in and sure enough the EXACT same u/s tech that we had when we went in early with Emily was going to be our tech again this time. The one that was not so great about delivering positive/negative news...Zig and I both looked at eachother when we saw it was her, but luckily, we had nothing to worry about. She pulled up the baby right away and showed us the heartbeat. Then we got a little listen. 178 beautiful beats per minute. It was such a relief. Apparently I have a very small subchronic bleed, and it should reabsorb in the next few weeks. I just feel so lucky that we got to see the baby so early on. I felt so reassured. In other news, I am still sick. Not as bad as with Emily, where I was throwing up and not eating, but I have major food aversions. NOTHING sounds good and I am just so exhausted. Takes everything in me to drag myself out of bed to function. Hopefully it passes soon, but I will take what I am given. Here is a picture of the baby, measuring at 7 weeks 6 days, which is right on track because I was right at 8 weeks based on LMP.

In Emily news, her new favorite thing is Whhyyyy? She asks this about 1 million times a day. It's pretty cute, but sometimes, I just don't have the answer, so I totally use the "because mommy said so" line. I love that sweet little girl so much. Her words are crazy these days. Full sentences, in the right context. It's totally nuts.

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever look at Emily's 3 month picture and just giggle to yourself? She is such a smiley baby in that one I just love it. I'm glad everything is looking good :)
