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Monday, July 18, 2011

We've got a secret!

And it's a dosie. What is it you ask?

That's right. We are expecting another Ziglet in February of next year. The cat is not completely out of the bag. We will wait to officially announce this to the world after I am out of the first trimester, so shhh! ;) Since this has always been my so called baby book, I wanted to make sure I tracked my journey again, like I did with Emily. I figured, those who cared enough to read my boring blog, would also support us no matter what happens down this road--rain or shine. Right now we just pray every day that things go as planned.

Tomorrow I will be 8 weeks. I have no doubt in my mind that things are going pretty good, because I am sick. Sick, sick, sick. Like lazy, don't want to get out of bed, but I have to try my best to do so, sick. I feel awful for my family. They have really had to pick up my slack these last 2 weeks or so, and I am forever grateful.

I realize I completely missed Emily's 19 month update. She changes so much everyday it seriously blows my mind. Her words are insane. She talks a ton. She is really outgoing and yet shy at the same time. Over the last month, her schedule has been challenged, and now we are paying the price. It is all my fault. There were times when she woke up crying, and I needed her, more than she needed me, so I brought her to bed. This has started a very nasty cycle of her refusing to sleep in her crib. I mean REFUSES. Last night we tried to Ferber with her. Zig rocked her to sleep. She slept till around 8:45 and then woke up. I tried to rock her, but the second I would try and put her down, she would wake up, so we started Ferber. She cried until midnight and we gave up. It was heart breaking. We checked on her often, but still. I hate to hear my baby cry. So we are doing our best to get her back on track. Recommendations anyone?? Is anyone even out there anymore?? Other than the sleep issue, she is amazing. Yesterday was her first day at her new school with Stephanie and it went great. She had a blast playing out side and especially with Steph's 2 giant Huskies. This was the best decision for us.

Have I mentioned before how amazing my husband is? If I haven't he is. I don't deserve him. Really truly I don't. He is a rock and I don't know how he does it, and sometimes I hate myself for not being stronger to support him more. God is truly challenging us these days. We are a family and nothing will break that, but it has been a very emotional month and my husband has pulled everything together and picked up all the teenie tiny pieces to make sure we are still running. Life is bringing us many changes. Most of you know what is going on, but for those who don't, my father in law has terminal cancer. I cry just thinking about it. He has some amazing days, and he has some hard days. He is so strong. In the end, we don't want to leave his side. We want to spend every waking moment, with him and comfort him because he needs us. And we need him. We love him very very much and we know in the end, it will be ok.

I know that was a lot to get out, but I could not update one with out the other. To end on a positive note, I AM PREGNANT. It seems so surreal, I pinch myself often. This time was much different than the last. Zig and I's limits were really challenged when we were trying to conceive Emily. This time around, well let's just say it was MUCH easier. :0) I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to be a mom again. Morning sickness and all. I look at Emily and I know that this is all worth it. Now everyone pray for a boy, because I don't think anyone in my family wants me to go through the 1st Tri again!


  1. I'm still here! Is Em getting her molars? Austin was a huge stinker about sleeping when he was getting those. If not, suck it up mama! She's a master manipulator!!! Love you!

  2. Oh my gosh so exciting!!!! I wish you the best pregnancy and the sick subsides ASAP. I remember those days and they are NO fun!

    About Emily's sleeping, we had to do the whole cry it out thing too. I think I cried more than she did.I hated to hear here cry. I would go in and get her I just couldn't stand it. But finally had to be strong. It stucked! Maybe does she have a softie blanket or something to help her? Or one of those noise machines? That seemed to help Addison. Good luck and congratulations!

  3. It was so nice to see you this weekend and Emily has grown so much! We are excited to get to share this journey with you and will be praying for a smooth pregnancy! Love you guys!

  4. I'm so freaking excited for you!!!!!
    As for the sleeping, Anabelle still goes through phases of waking up and wanting to come to bed with us, then she gets over it and does fine for a while. Try not to make it a habit, but I'm sure it will pass like everything else does. :)
    Sorry to hear about Zig's dad. That's awful. You guys are in my prayers.

  5. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!! And your blog is not boring!

  6. Of course we still read your blog – you’re hilarious! Congratulations to the Ziegler’s!! I’m so happy for you guys :)

    I’m adding baby and Grandpa to my prayer list. Please let me know if you guys need anything.

  7. Congrats!!! So so exciting!! :) It sounds like sleeping is going better for you guys. We just had a bout of sleep issues and we know let her sleep with a book because she can look at it with her night light on and it seems to help. of course, its always a board book! hope its going better and SO happy for you guys!
