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Friday, September 17, 2010

Clapity clap clap

Em has decided to start clapping. And now she does it all.the.time. She stands up, she claps. She sits down, she claps. She picks up a toy, she claps. It goes on and on. I also learned that she has also been signing more during meal times, which looks just like clapping, just with closed fists. Here I thought she was just excited to eat, but really she just wants more. And honestly she just wants more puffs, becuase she lurves her some puffs. Anyway here is a video. Enjoy!

PS. My voice is never going to get less annoying so just deal with it! ;) And I spend about 10 seconds actually capturing what I want Em to do and the rest of it looking like a dork trying to get her to do it.

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