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Monday, August 16, 2010

A little update

Not a whole lot is going on in the Ziegler world. Em had a bit of a stomach bug all week last week, so we laid low. She seems to be feeling much better now and is pretty much back to her old self. Her other lateral incisor broke through this weekend, so we are up to 3.25 teeth. I say .25 because it is just barely there. If you think I have pictures, you are sadly mistaken. This baby will let me NOWHERE near her mouth. Now I hope the other two top teeth come through really quick and we can be done with teething for a bit. She has actually done really good. She has had really one 2 rough nights and by rough I mean she woke up crying for a few minutes before soothing herself back to bed. She is quite the crawling machine and has been a lot more generous with her laughs lately, which I love.

She starts sleeping on the mat this week at daycare, which means she is officially on her way to being a big girl. ::tear:: And she is now one of the oldest in her class. There is only one little boy who is a month older. Everything is going so fast! 3 new babies start this week, bringing the class total back up to 6. Emily is excited to meet new friends, including a friend from work's daughter Avery who is about 2 1/2 months younger than Em.

In other news, we are driving, yes driving, to Dallas on Wednesday morning. Say a little prayer for safe travels and a well behaved baby. We are going to leave super early in the morning in hopes to take advantage of a sleepy baby. She usually gets up around 7 and will take 2 naps in the morning/afternoon. She is usually really good in the car, but we have never tested her limits for that long. If anything, we will take lots of breaks. We are in no hurry to get there by a specific time. We can't wait to see our family out there and celebrate my nephews third birthday.

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