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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let the weaning begin...

From the pump that is. I made it 9 months, that is 3 months longer than my initial goal. I wish I could have made it to a year, but I am just done. I am so proud of myself because it was tough, it was time consuming, and sometimes it was just not fun at all, but I made it and I am so so glad that I did it. I feel good knowing that I gave my daughter the best (and cheapest) form of nutrition for the first 9 months of her life, and hopefully with the milk that I have stashed in my freezer, for the next month or so too. Depending on when Emily starts eating more solids and drinking less milk, we may even make it till 11 months. There is a lot of milk i my freezer y'all. So the weaning officially begins. I dropped to one pumping session a day last week and was down to only getting 7 oz a day. Yesterday, I stopped pumping all together. I am not going to lie. I am totally worried about the pain associated with drying up. I have heard horror stories, but I haven't pumped in almost 2 days and I feel OK so far. We will see how the next week or so goes though.

On another note, my baby is 9 months old today. HOLY CRAP! She has been an outside baby as long as she was an inside baby. How crazy is that! We will take some pictures and post them in the next few days. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Poopie! You did awesome for Emily! What a good mama milking machine you were :o)
