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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weeks 15 and 16

These last 2 weeks have literally flown by! I meant to post this late last week, but we left for Jersey for a good friends wedding on Thrusday and it completely slipped my mind. Now here I am 2 days shy of 17 weeks. This pregnancy is really moving along. I am feeling really good. I am still really tired and am still having really bad headaches a couple of times a week, but I am able to eat. Still not everything I would eat before I got pregnant, but I am eating at least. This post is a 2 for 1. Catching up to this week and I will start taking pictures of my ever expanding belly this week too.

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 and 16 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a naval orange and an avacado!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am really not sure since my scale is still dead, but I imagine I am up at least a few pounds with all the stuff I have been eating.
Maternity Clothes: Just pants for now. I definitely look pregnant. I am actually looking forward to comparing my tummy now with how it was when I was pregnant with Emily. I feel much bigger.
Movement: Not yet!
Sleep: Pretty good. I am still able to sleep kind of on my tummy which is nice.
What I miss: Wine still. I think its the fall weather that is making me crave a nice red.
Cravings: Water, water, water. I can't get enough. Ice cold water. I crave more salty than sweet too, but nothing in particular. I can tell you that I in no way crave meat. Beef and chicken. Bleh, I gag just thinking about it.
Symptoms: Headaches. Occasional nausea. Still really tired and lazy. --Same as last time
Best moment this week:This actually does not relate to me at all, but relates to pregnancy. I found out a great friend of mine and her wife are expecting their first baby and I am so so excited for them! They are due about 2 weeks after Zig and I. Kristin--A little shout out! You are going to be an AMAZING mommy! Your news made my week! And we also went to NJ for a good friends wedding. It was great to catch up with old friends, some of which we hadn't seen since college. We had a great time out there.

I have another appointment early next week and we get schedule our gender scan then too. I am really excited to find out what this baby is so I can start planning the nursery and Emily's transition to her big girl room. Everyone keeps asking if I feel different from my last pregnancy and honestly, I can't really remember. I didn't have headaches last time, I know that. I was sick with both, but a different kind of sickness. Zig thinks this time was worse, but it was just different. With Emmy, I just could not eat anything. Everything made me sick, which is why I lost so much weight. This time around, I could eat, but I threw up a lot more. So I don't know. I will be happy either way, that is for sure!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for the shout out Michele! As I was just reading your post I thought to myself – “is she talking about me” and you were! Very sweet, you made my day :)
