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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Potty time!

This may be totally TMI, but this is my baby book, so we are all going to have to just deal with the over sharing. ;) This weekend, totally unprompted, Emily turned to me and told me poo poo and potty. I asked her if she needed to go potty and she said yes, then I asked if she wanted to go on the big girl potty and she said yes. So into the bathroom we went. She was still in her one piece jammies, so I stripped her down and took off her diaper. Now we were not prepared to potty train this early, so we didn't have a seat or anything, so I had to hold her up on the toilet. I think it freaked her out a little bit, being stark naked with me hovering like that, but I made sure to praise her lots. She only sat for a few seconds, and then I praised her a ton and she laughed and clapped. We put her clothes back on, and with in about a minute, she let me know she pooped. Then later that day she asked for the potty again. This time both Daddy and I went with her and made a big spectacle of it and she seemed really happy and excited. She has never gone on it, but I love that she is showing interest.

This weekend she also started walking a little weird. Like that kid you see out in public with their legs together holding their crotch. Em was walking like that, less the crotch holding, she'd stop, and then start running around again. Looks like we may be potty training early in the Ziegler house. I plan to go get her a big girl potty here shortly. We aren't going to push it, and it could have been a fluke, but I am definitely not going to hold her back either!

Lately she has been really into telling us she's gone "poo poo." (Dude, I am that mom. I NEVER thought this would be something I would share with the interwebs. I am not even comfortable saying the word poo poo out loud LOL.) Anyway, some times she has gone, some times she hasn't, but I like that she is learning to associate the word with the action. It will be interesting to see how things play out. School is a whole other story though, but I don't want to vent about it too much. Basically they really do not promote potty training before 2 and it seems, in talking with the teachers, it isn't not going to be easy if we manage to start it at home and have them take her to use the potty. They have a potty in the room, but have been told by the owner that it should only be used in emergencies ::side eye:: and that if they have time and a kid specifically asks, they will TRY to take the to the bathroom. Really pisses me off actually, but needless to say, there are very likely going to be some big changes and Emily will probably not be there any longer after the next few months. I will share the story when we have made the final decision, but in a nut shell, we don't like the owner of the school and how she treats her employees and we aren't sure we want to continue promote her behavior by paying her a large chunk of cash every month to be a giant bitch. We LOVE the teachers, but they are unhappy and if they leave, there is not much loyalty to us staying. Anyway, like I said, we have plans and I am really excited to see what's to come of the school situation.

AND guess who says I love you now!!! So exciting. Today, I told Emily I love you, like I do every morning when we are getting ready to leave and she said it back. Then she turned to Zig and said,Daddy, laa lou!! <3

Alright, longest post ever. For those who gave up on me, here is a summary. Emily is AWESOME, woot potty training, owner of Emmy's school sucks. Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Way to go Emily!

    I love your summary at the end of this post – hilarious!

    ~ K
