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Monday, January 24, 2011

Herpetic Gingivostomatitis

Edit to blog title. It's titis, not tits...Thank you Cissy and Zig for pointing out my spelling mistake and for the laugh. ;)

AKA the worst things to happen to our family since Emmy was born. AWFUL. Last Saturday (1/15) we noticed that Em wasn't quite acting like herself. She was a little cranky and she wouldn't eat. Not even blueberries, which is madness. Sunday she woke up with a fever of 102. Monday, Emily went to Grandma's because it was MLK day and school was closed. She was really needy and wanted to be held all day long. Plus she was still running a high fever. I took Tuesday off to take her to the doctor. The doc checked her mouth and Em had little sores all over the underside of her tongue. I thought those were bad, but it was just the beginning. We were sent home with a prescription of lots of love and snuggles. By Wednesday, her gums were super swollen and inflamed. If she even tried to smile, they would bleed. It was so awful. The fever was gone by Wednesday night, but the sores stayed. To make it worse, I got sick. On Thursday, Emmy and I snuggled in bed watching Mickey Mouse Club House all day long. I was thankful that she was so mellow, because I would have had a hard time keeping up otherwise. We are so lucky to have family in town because between Grandma, Nonni, Zig and I, we all took turns snuggling with Em. She is feeling so much better, but she still has sores, which according to daycare means she can't come back. I totally understand, I don't want anyone else to get sick, but it just sucks to have to pay for her to go, when she isn't there. I hope and pray that none of my other friend's little ones get this. It was so sad knowing Emily was hungry, but her mouth hurt so bad she couldn't eat.

They weighed her at the doctor and she weighed 19.6oz, up 6oz since her last visit (12 months), but I am sure she lost that by now. On a positive note, Emily started saying cheese, please, uh-oh and boo this week. She is quite the chatter box.

1 comment:

  1. My poor baby! That is the saddest thing I think I have ever heard. I hope she is doing better and gets back to normal soon. I miss you guys!
