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Sunday, October 31, 2010

11 months

Let the record show, I wrote this post last week, on time, but when we went to take Emily's photos on Sunday, it was TANTRUM CITY. Her gums are REALLY swollen on the bottom right side, so I think a molar is in the works. Awesome. Seriously, this child is going to have all her teeth by her first birthday. Anyway, no pictures yet. Hopefully she is feeling better and a little more cooperative this weekend. Stay tuned for those and the million Halloween pictures I took of her on Sunday. I haven't had a chance to pull them off the camera yet.

Doesn't that just blow your mind. I mean, I know I say it every month, but it is so crazy how fast the days are flying by. And with each passing day, Emily surprises us with something new. We were playing at a friend's house yesterday. They have a little girl who is 2 months younger than Emily. Vaeda woke up from her nap and when her dad was bringing her downstairs, Em ran over and said "Hi Baby." Clear as day. It completely melted my heart. She gave Vaeda hugs, she played with her other friends Ella and Addison, and overall she was in the best mood. She talked to everyone, she wasn't shy, she was just this tiny, independent little girl and I was so proud to say that I am her mommy (because we all know she doesn't say it ;) )Here is what Emily is up too...I am sure this is REALLY boring to most, but this blog serves as my baby book and with out, I would NEVER remember anything.

*She weighs 18.6 lbs. I took her to the doctor this week because she had a bad cough. Just a cold.
*She will officially be on whole milk completely on Tuesday. The transition was a breeze. She never had any problems at all. She dropped her afternoon bottle/sippy pretty much last week at daycare, but makes up for it by drinking a lot of milk with dinner and a smaller bottle before bed.
*She says the following words clear as day but she babbles constantly.
Jesse-I have never heard this, but was told she says it a lot at daycare. there is a little boy named Jesse there, and her friend Jessinia.
*She loves giving her animals (stuffed and live) hugs
*She walks (very fast) everywhere.
*Emily had her first sips of juice this month, but it was only because the whole milk has been stopping her up a little bit and we needed a quick fix to give her some relief. From now on we plan to include more fiber rich foods in her diet to keep things moving. I just don't want her to have unnecessary added sugar just yet. Down the road maybe, but for now we are trying to keep it as nutritious as possible.
*She LOVES water. LOVES.
*She is mostly on solid foods/snacks with the exception of her two bottles. We will start phasing out the bottle in the morning and replacing it with a sippy probably next week and will work on phasing out the night bottle 2 weeks after that with the goal of having her off bottles at a year.
*She is an amazing eater. We offer her a large variety of foods at home and she will let us know what she does and does not like.
*She is a peanut. She still wears size 3 diapers, 9 (6-9)month pants, 9 month tops-although they are getting a little short so we are moving up to 12 (9-12) now. She is between a size 2 and 3 shoe.
*She is an AMAZING sleeper. Feel free to pinch me next time you see me out of sheer jealousy. She loves her sleep, she always has. She will sleep from 7-7:30 pm to 8-8:30am if we didn't wake her up for school. And we don't on the weekends, so it sure is nice to sleep in a bit and shower before she is up for the day. As for naps, she still is doing 2 naps a day at daycare. They are just short ones. I am hoping in the 1 year old room, she will start to nap a little better because all the babies will be asleep at once and there won't be a lot of noise to wake her, but we will see. This weekend we experimented with one nap and she has done great. Sleeping from 11:30-about 2 everyday since Friday.
*When she is awake, she keeps us on our toes. She loves to play in her playroom and chasing her daddy around the living room.
*She is just a good baby. She is rarely cranky. She is very attentive and really listens to what we say, but she LOVES to push her limits.
*She officially has 8 teeth. They have been breaking through for a while and I have been awful at really keeping track when each popped through, but she now has 4 on top and 4 on bottom. I even think one of her molars is going to come in soon. Her gum looks pretty swollen.

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