I have pictures, for the most part. I didn't get pictures of week 23 because I was on the cruise, and I didn't get week 27 because we spent the entire weekend prepping for Emmy's big girl room, but considering how busy we were, I think we did pretty good.
Instead of doing the survey, I will just give a recap of the last several weeks because I am sure you don't want me to post the longest blog post in the world anyway. I have been feeling great. I am starting to get tired, mainly because I haven't been sleeping great. No so much because I am comfortable, I just wake up in the middle of the night and am wide awake. I think I remember that happening with Emily too. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and I am up 10 lbs. (5 of which I accumulated over my cruise and Thanksgiving! oops) but my doctor is very happy with my progress and not concerned by my gain at all. I feel very large. People tell me I am still small, but I think they are just humoring me. We don't have a name yet, but we are talking about. Hopefully something will come to us soon. We both have names we really like, unfortunately we have none of those names in common. We aren't rushing into it, but I think we are narrowing our lists down a bit. No new stretch marks to speak of, thankfully. I passed my glucose test, but I am anemic again this go round. I am going to try and increase my iron naturally, because last time I had to stop taking the supplements because they made me so sick. I am going to be all Popeye with the spinach if I have too. :) Chicken still grosses me out, but I am semi ok with beef. I can't wait till my love of cooking comes back again and doesn't repulse me so we start eating a little better overall. Zig has been amazing these last few months and has completly taken over the meal planning and I love him for it!
Anyway, here are some pictures!! Here you can find weeks 23, 24, 25, I skipped 26 last go round, 27, and 28 from my pregnancy with Emily. I promise to be better about posting. Seriously. I can't believe I am already in my third trimester!!
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 28
I think you look great Michele! Can't wait to see you in person. Eat a bunch of hamburgers...that ought to take care of your iron problem :)