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Monday, March 7, 2011

The results are in...

We received the last of Emmy's blood test results this afternoon and everything looks normal. The doctor did call me last week to let me know that her CBC (complete blood count) came back and showed signs of infection and she said that it was more the likely the result of her having an ear infections, but that she wanted to redo the test in 2 weeks. I expressed some concern because it was such a traumatic experience for Emily, that I really didn't want to run another test if it wasn't completly necessary, but if it gave us piece of mind and the doctor really felt it best, we would do it. When she called today with the results, she let us know, since everything else looked fine, that we would wait to rerun the test until after her next appointment, if at all. If everything is looking ok then, then we will just attribute it to Emmy just being small.

We went to Tulsa this weekend and had a great time visiting friends. Emily has some sharing issues, and was a little bit whiney because either her teeth or ear caught up to her, but we loved spending the time with our friends. Erin took lots of pictures, so maybe I will still some and post them. The flight out there Emily did amazing. The flight from Tulsa to Dallas on the way home, she did ok too. She was a little restless, but overall happy. Dallas home, was pure hell. Enough to make me never want to fly alone with her again. Em seriously cried or fussed the whole way home, and so did I out of sheer embarrassment. The people around us were really understanding and said it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was, and they still thought she was a doll. She was EXHAUSTED and just wanted to put put down to sleep and not held. Unfortunately, the flight was sold out. :( It was really rough.

It's funny that Em is in the 5th percentile, because she ate a TON this weekend. She literally ate the whole time, which maybe means she is catching up now and just hitting a late spurt. Who knows. Either way, we are keeping our eye on it. I am so happy everything came back ok. It's a huge relief.

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