I know I haven't posted in a while, mainly because really not a lot has changed. Emily sleeps relatively good at night. Every night is a little different, but every day, she somehow puts herself back on a schedule. It is nice knowing what your day is going to look like. I will say that she is not a perfect angel at all times. Last night, she had a rough one. I think she is going through a growth spurt though. (Apparently these happen around 6 weeks). She woke up around 3:15 to eat and just did not want to be put back down to sleep. I would get her half way there and then she'd wake up. This happened till about 5:30 when she was insatiably (is that a word?) hungry again. I fed her and she again woke up at 7 STARVING! This is pretty unusual because she usually goes about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. At this point I brought her to bed with me in hopes for a few more hours to sleep and at 8:45 I woke up to this...

I mean, honestly, how do you get upset about your lack of sleep for the night with this next to you. We really don't have any reason to complain. We have maybe had 5 bad nights in the last 6 1/2 weeks that Emily has been home. It could be a lot worse.
Other than last night, she is doing great. Like I said, she puts herself back on a schedule everyday. She always eats around 7, 9:30, 12, 5, 7:30 and 10:30 during the day. We have been trying to put her to "bed" after her 7:30 feeding so Zig and I have time to catch up and not worry about who is going to hold/play with/soothe the baby. She will wake during the night somewhere between 3 and 4:30, but no matter what time she wakes at night. She is ready to go again at 7. I have been lucky the last week and a half or so, she will eat at 7 am and then go right back to sleep until 9:30. Obviously, we are flexible with the "schedule." If she wakes up hungry earlier or is dead asleep during one of her usual feeding times, we just work around it. I like to think of it more as a routine. Anyway, things are going great. Emily is definitely growing. She moved out of her newborn diapers and her newborn clothes are starting to get a little snug ::wipes a tear:: and she is smiling a ton. I got some really cute ones on my camera that I will try and upload at the next nap, but I will leave you with this one from the other day. 

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