Seriously. Bodhi needs rehab. His new years resolution...Give up "chicky bones." What are these chicky bones you ask? Well thanks to Costco and our friend Brent, Bodhi has become addicted to Nubz. We made the mistake of giving Bodhi 1/2 a bone in the morning and 1/2 at night. Since his crack habit got quite expensive, we sarted giving him 1/4 of a bone in the morning and 1/4 at night. If you don't give him his fix, he will sit and stare at you while whining till you get up and give it to him. It is so sad. Even worse, any movement like you are going to get up from where you are sitting (in my case bed right now), he will get frantically excited and book it to the kitchen. He literally stares at the cabinet ALL.DAY.LONG anticipating his next treat. I am not sure what he likes so much about them. Abby eats them too, but doesn't have the same reaction. Bodhi is like a heroine addict, shaking and begging for his drug. Poor guy. This is what is staring at me right now.

I wish this picture could capture his little cry and the frantic shaking of his tail! I love this dog, even though he is crazy.
PSA-Do not buy these for your dog unless you want a crack head like mine. :)
I kid, this is the one thing Bodhi is passionate about, aside from squeeky toys, so we give in to the addiction.

You break all Bodhis toys so they no longer squeek....the least you can do is give him drugs! Oh and you forgot to mention his "special toy"