Emily is doing great! She went in for her 2 month check up and shots. :( She did really well. She now weighs 10 lbs 6 oz and is 22 inches long. The doctor is really happy with her growth so far. She cried just a little bit during her shots (I am pretty sure it was worse for me than it was for her.) She got a little warm that evening, but we gave her some tylenol and she was fine.
In other news, Emily has slept completly through the night for 2 nights in a row. She ate her last meal both nights between 9 and 9:30 and then gets put down right away. She slept till about 7 yesterday and 7:30 today. I would still like her to have an earlier bed time so we are going to work on pushing it up, even if it means she will wake a little earlier. It may be better that she get up earlier for now since she is going to start daycare soon. We could not be any happier, but realize that this may not be a trend quite yet.
Other than that, things are really good. We are all enjoying out time together, including Bodhi and Abby. Bodhi has always been a fan of the baby, but now Abby even gets into it and likes to give her a few kisses now and then. Here are some pictures of the little girl. I can't believe how much she has grown!
Here is her 2 month picture....

And this one I just can't resist because it is hysterical! A couple of times the flash just totally freaked her out and this was the reaction I got! I love it!
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