Exhibit A

This is how Emily likes to be held. I think the pressure on her tummy makes her feel better after she eats a big meal. She could literally stay like this all day. Most of the time I sling her over my shoulder for about 10-15 mins and then set her next to me on her bobby and she is out for a few hours.
She is turning into such a ham. She is full of smiles and is cooing and talking like crazy. I have a feeling she is going to be like her dad and I can't wait till she is able to talk so we can see what is going on in that brain of hers. She sleeps good still and is starting to nap on her boppy instead of in my lap. We have lots of lazy days snuggling in bed. I love it.
I will try and get a good video of her talking and post it up here. My days seem to fly by. It seems like as soon as we are up and ready for the day, Daddy is home and we are winding down and putting her to bed. I love spending the day with this little one, but love the free time I get when Zig gets home. We have been taking daily outings, mainly because I am going a little stir crazy at home. Just little trips to the doctor, Target or to show her off at work. Today I am hoping to go get her first savings account set up, but the weather is really yucky out. It's the kind of day that you just snuggle up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and a good book (and of course my little girl). Anyway, I promise to get more pictures put up. Part of the reason I don't get anything done during the day is because I spend a majority of it holding Emily. Not because she wants to be held, but because I want to snuggle with her as much as I can. I think she likes it too. :)
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