35 Weeks
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
38 Weeks
Pictures from my pregnancy with Emily can be found here: 35, 36, 37, 38
I feel much more basketbally this time around. With Emily, she was more up in my lungs, but Sophie sticks out a little more.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: Pictures through 38 weeks
Size of baby: At my last appointment I asked the doctor how big she thought Sophie would be. She estimated close to 7lbs. That was on Tuesday the 21st. They say in the end, babies can put on 1/2 a lb a week.
Total Weight Gain/Loss:At my last appointment I was up 18lbs. At around 36 weeks, I found 3 stretch marks. Awesome. I thought I was going to make it all the way stretch mark free. I only got a couple on my sides with Em, but now I have 3 little slash marks on my tummy.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah. Some of my tops are getting short!
Movement: Yes, Sophie is VERY active. She was constantly rolling and pushing around in there. I am not going to lie. It HURT towards the end. A LOT. But since there is a chance we may not have any more kids, I really tried to cherish all those kicks, jabs and rolls.
Sleep:Terrible. I am pretty much awake from about 1-4 every night. I just can't get comfortable. My back and hips are killing me.
What I miss: I can't really think of anything that I miss, really. Sleep maybe?
Cravings: Everything in site. I am starving all the time these days. Mainly because I have to eat small meals because I fill up really fast. Not a lot of room in there anymore.
Labor signs:Lots and lots of back pain. Fun stuff. The doctor said that back pain/labor is caused when the baby is face up. More on this in another post.
Best moment this week/month: Feeling ready. I wanted Sophie to stay in as long as possible and come when she was ready, but I really felt ready to meet her.
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