Sophie is so much like Emmy was as a newborn, it totally blows my mind. She is super calm, very rarely cries, super sleepy and very sweet. At least for the last 4 weeks that is, things could totally change here soon, although they never really did for Emmy. Maybe I just make good calm babies. Say a little prayer for us for the teenage years. She is eating great. We went in for a weigh when she was about 2 weeks. At her first doctors appointment at 3 days, she was down to 6 lbs. 13 oz. At 2 weeks she was up to 7 lbs. 6 oz. so she had gained about 9 oz in 11 days. My doctor would like to see 1/2 oz to 1 oz a day, so she is doing good. I am so much more comfortable this go round with breastfeeding then I was last, mainly because I know what I am doing, and Sophie has a great latch. We have another appointment on Monday for her one month check up. I am pretty excited to see how much she has gained, just to put my mind at ease that all is on track. The hard part about breastfeeding is you really don't know how much they are getting. You really base it on how content they are after feeding and diaper output. I do know that I was super determined to make breastfeeding work with Emmy, that I am equally as determined this go round and so far, all is good!
At my doctors request, I wake Sophie every 4 hours at night. I demand feed all day, but if it has been 3 hours since the start of the last feed, I will wake her to eat. Because she is so sleepy, there is a possibility that she could sleep through a feed, which could not only effect her weight gain, but my supply as well. Anyway, she will typically cluster feed at night and I try and "top her off" around 9:30 or 10 at night. Then I set my alarm for around 1:30 or 2, then again at 5:30 or 6. In the last week, she has actually been waking right at the 4 hours which is nice because waking a sleepy baby is tough. The other night I completely slept through my alarm and she went a fully 6 hours between feedings. It was great! I enjoyed the sleep from 10-4! Starting at 4 weeks, the doctor said I no longer had to wake at night to feed. I bet when Saturday hits, she will start waking every few hours, but maybe not.
All in all things are amazing. Miss Emily is doing great. She is such a proud big sister. We went and played with a friend last weekend and she turned to him during lunch and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big sister." I have also been picking Em up from school with Sophia and she will immediately run to the carseat and start talking in the sweetest voice to her sister. She loves to hold her and is constantly talking to her. She seems to be back on track with the potty training, since we had a little regression for a few days. One of the biggest things we are working on with Emily right now is her night time routine. For the last 2 months, since potty training, we have pretty much gone into Emmy's room anytime she cried. Bed time was taking over 2 hours start to finish. She would cry every few minutes that she had to go potty, and we created a monster by going in at her beck and call. So now we are trying to teach her that it is ok for her to go by herself, and we will only give into the cries if she keeps going when we sit her on the potty. The second she asks to go and doesn't have to, we say that's the last time we will take her. The last few nights we have made progress, but we still have a ways to go. The hard part is, since we moved Emily to her big girl bed, she has never gotten out of bed on her own. It's like she doesn't know she can. Why is that a problem you ask? Because in the mornings she yells and cries for us when she wakes up, and since she is no longer in diapers at night, I want her to know that if she has to go potty at night, she can get up and go, as opposed to crying for us. I am glad she transitioned so well to the big girl bed, and was never that kid that would sneak out of her room. I have heard horror stories about how tough that transition could be, but I really want Emmy to be independent and know what her boundries are.
Ok, enough of the long, wordy post. Kim Jackson came to our house to do a family/newborn shoot last week. Here are some of my favorites!

These pictures are beautiful Michele! Congratulations on your new little bundle. :)