So we decided to slowly start Em on solids. So far the only things she has had is oatmeal and avocado. My plan is to make her baby food because it is super easy and really inexpensive. Plus I like the idea of her eating fresh fruit and vegetables. I am planning on planting some veggies in our garden for her to eat too like green beans and squash. I am actually excited for her to get to try some new things. She is really getting the hang of eating off a spoon and opening up wide for another bite. The other night she was getting so excited she was kicking like crazy, which was causing the bouncy seat she was in to bounce (go figure) up and down. That made feeding fun, but I am glad she was enjoying herself. Our moms swear that rice cereal/oatmeal helps babies sleep through the night, yet everything I have read and our
Ped said there really is no correlation. I am gonna believe the moms because they are 2 smart chicks, and guess what?! Em has slept all night for the last two nights. ::Knocks on wood:: I really hope this is a sign that the 4 month wakeful is over because we really got used to that sleep for a while there. Seeing has my once tiny baby is 5 MONTHS OLD! WHAT?! She is so big! She has developed such a personality. I love watching her everyday. If I prop her in the corner of the couch she can sit up and loves the new perspective of her feet that she gets. Check this out....
She was talking and smiling away, and then the flash on my phone turned that smile into this classic face. I love it! So no pictures today. I am going to take them on Friday when I have better light since I'll be home all day.
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