Check out what he and B built me this weekend. I love that my husband is so handy. He can pretty much build, fix, rennovate anything and I love it! And because I was not blessed with my grandmother's green thumb, he put this and all my pots up with a drip system so I don't go killing all the yummy veggies I plant.

We are doing a major overhaul of the front yard, but hopefully in the next few weeks we will really get to enjoy our courtyard and our neighbors will enjoy our beautiful front yard. We are ripping out all the evergreen bushes, the tree bush that you see in the upper right corner of the first picture above (it can't decide if it's a tree or a bush) all the river rock and all the grass because it has burrs in it. We also ripped out the two tress that were in our courtyard. One where the new garden box is and one other bush that was half dead and the bees loved. I feard for our vistors lives some days because they would nearly get attacked by a swarm of bees! I am trying to convince Zig to build a smaller box like this one where that bush was, so I can do an herb garden too. So far the answer is no, but I am working on it. I forgot to take a before of the courtyard, but I will take one of the front yard so you can see the befores and afters. Just to give you an idea, we are putting in new sod, a couple indian hawthorn bushes, a spanish broom and probably a double weeping cherry. I am so excited! Stay tuned!
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