Here is a short video of Em nomming on some cereal. I love her. :) Please ignore my dorky voice.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
So we decided to slowly start Em on solids. So far the only things she has had is oatmeal and avocado. My plan is to make her baby food because it is super easy and really inexpensive. Plus I like the idea of her eating fresh fruit and vegetables. I am planning on planting some veggies in our garden for her to eat too like green beans and squash. I am actually excited for her to get to try some new things. She is really getting the hang of eating off a spoon and opening up wide for another bite. The other night she was getting so excited she was kicking like crazy, which was causing the bouncy seat she was in to bounce (go figure) up and down. That made feeding fun, but I am glad she was enjoying herself. Our moms swear that rice cereal/oatmeal helps babies sleep through the night, yet everything I have read and our Ped said there really is no correlation. I am gonna believe the moms because they are 2 smart chicks, and guess what?! Em has slept all night for the last two nights. ::Knocks on wood:: I really hope this is a sign that the 4 month wakeful is over because we really got used to that sleep for a while there. Seeing has my once tiny baby is 5 MONTHS OLD! WHAT?! She is so big! She has developed such a personality. I love watching her everyday. If I prop her in the corner of the couch she can sit up and loves the new perspective of her feet that she gets. Check this out....

She was talking and smiling away, and then the flash on my phone turned that smile into this classic face. I love it! So no pictures today. I am going to take them on Friday when I have better light since I'll be home all day.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bat shit crazy
This is the only way to describe my neighbor Ms. Lee. Don't get me wrong. She is a very sweet lady, but not only is she from Crazy Town, I am pretty sure she may be the mayor. Zig was busy working in our front yard this evening, so Em and I decided we could use some fresh air and decided to join him. Our neighbors Nadia and Hind were also out side working in the yard so we were all chatting it up. Well Ms. Lee gets home and being the nosey old lady she is, she comes over to see what we are up to. Oddly enough, she had never seen Emily so she came up and started talking to us. Now here is the thing about Ms. Lee. She is straight up from Taiwan and her English is not good. I maybe understood 5 words she was saying. Here is the beginning of our conversation, as I could understand it.
Ms. L: How old is baby? Wait let me guess. 3 months
Me: Wow you were close! ::snicker:: She is actually almost 5 months.
Ms.L: Ahh Hind! I guessed how old she is! I told her ::pointing at me:: I would guess and I did. Baby 3 months.
Anyway, Ms. Lee goes on to tell me that her son and daughter dropped off some stuff that they had for their baby, but moved away, so it is still in her garage. She convinces me to come over and look to see if we could use any of it. I decide to humor her and go over. Well she actually had something I wanted. Daycare and my friend Jess have this little rocker/bouncer chair. It is like a mini rocking chair. Anyway, I have been wanting one to take to Mom and Roberts so Em and Olivia could use it, but didn't want to pay a lot for it because baby crap is expensive y'all. So I ask Ms. Lee how much. She tells me that she didn't want to give me a price and since we were neighbors, just make her an offer. This story should truly end here. I should have made the old lady an offer and moved on with my life. In all honestly, I had no clue what to offer her, so I call Zig over. He again asks her how much and she says the same thing, make an offer. He says he has no clue what to give and if I could have predicted the future, I would have said she would tell us not to worry about it, that it was just sitting in her garage anyway. (I didn't expect her to give it away, this was just the way the conversation was heading) We go back and forth and it is starting to lead to my prediction and then it happens. I say it..."Let us do something for you Ms. Lee to thank you. Is there anything you need help with?" F.M.L (for those who don't know what this means it translates to "profanity starting with the letter F, My, Life) as in SHIT! Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zig doing the silent NOOOOOO!!!! but it was to late. The damage was done. Ms. Lee says, "yes that is what we will do, you can help me. " I prepare my self for the worst. She starts talking about her sprinkler and then begins to tell us that she is going out of town and maybe we can keep an eye on her flowers. I think Ok, this is not that bad. I can do this. Then Zig asks the dreaded question. "Sure Ms. Lee, how long are you going to be gone for?" wait for it, wait for it. "ONE MONTH" WTF!!!! A month. She's joking right! A month. I have now volunteered for my husband, OK for ME, to water this lady's plants for a month. Now I am thinking, this better be some good shit she has here, because I can't even water my own plants! To top it off, Ms. Lee's plants are dead. I mean dead. But now we feel like we have to some how revive them so she can't say we killed them, because people, the lady is bat shit crazy! I feel awful. I have got to stop doing that, volunteering Zig to do things. I am sure he hates it, but in the end, I just feel like, if this was my grandma, I would want someone to do the same for her. At least that is what I am telling myself so I can sleep tonight. I LOVE YOU HONEY and I AM SO SO SORRY!
Ms. L: How old is baby? Wait let me guess. 3 months
Me: Wow you were close! ::snicker:: She is actually almost 5 months.
Ms.L: Ahh Hind! I guessed how old she is! I told her ::pointing at me:: I would guess and I did. Baby 3 months.
Anyway, Ms. Lee goes on to tell me that her son and daughter dropped off some stuff that they had for their baby, but moved away, so it is still in her garage. She convinces me to come over and look to see if we could use any of it. I decide to humor her and go over. Well she actually had something I wanted. Daycare and my friend Jess have this little rocker/bouncer chair. It is like a mini rocking chair. Anyway, I have been wanting one to take to Mom and Roberts so Em and Olivia could use it, but didn't want to pay a lot for it because baby crap is expensive y'all. So I ask Ms. Lee how much. She tells me that she didn't want to give me a price and since we were neighbors, just make her an offer. This story should truly end here. I should have made the old lady an offer and moved on with my life. In all honestly, I had no clue what to offer her, so I call Zig over. He again asks her how much and she says the same thing, make an offer. He says he has no clue what to give and if I could have predicted the future, I would have said she would tell us not to worry about it, that it was just sitting in her garage anyway. (I didn't expect her to give it away, this was just the way the conversation was heading) We go back and forth and it is starting to lead to my prediction and then it happens. I say it..."Let us do something for you Ms. Lee to thank you. Is there anything you need help with?" F.M.L (for those who don't know what this means it translates to "profanity starting with the letter F, My, Life) as in SHIT! Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zig doing the silent NOOOOOO!!!! but it was to late. The damage was done. Ms. Lee says, "yes that is what we will do, you can help me. " I prepare my self for the worst. She starts talking about her sprinkler and then begins to tell us that she is going out of town and maybe we can keep an eye on her flowers. I think Ok, this is not that bad. I can do this. Then Zig asks the dreaded question. "Sure Ms. Lee, how long are you going to be gone for?" wait for it, wait for it. "ONE MONTH" WTF!!!! A month. She's joking right! A month. I have now volunteered for my husband, OK for ME, to water this lady's plants for a month. Now I am thinking, this better be some good shit she has here, because I can't even water my own plants! To top it off, Ms. Lee's plants are dead. I mean dead. But now we feel like we have to some how revive them so she can't say we killed them, because people, the lady is bat shit crazy! I feel awful. I have got to stop doing that, volunteering Zig to do things. I am sure he hates it, but in the end, I just feel like, if this was my grandma, I would want someone to do the same for her. At least that is what I am telling myself so I can sleep tonight. I LOVE YOU HONEY and I AM SO SO SORRY!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My kid is popular...
For reals! Today was the first day I took Emily to day care and just seconds after entering the builiding I was swarmed by a group of tiny humans all screaming Emily's name like they were at a rock concert, or something. The teacher had to set up a baracade to keep the animals back so I could at least have room to put Emily down. It was hysterical. They all wanted to say hi to baby Emily. It just melted my heart. And she just soaked it in, with a huge grin on her face. I love my baby girl. :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Handy Hubs...
Check out what he and B built me this weekend. I love that my husband is so handy. He can pretty much build, fix, rennovate anything and I love it! And because I was not blessed with my grandmother's green thumb, he put this and all my pots up with a drip system so I don't go killing all the yummy veggies I plant.

We are doing a major overhaul of the front yard, but hopefully in the next few weeks we will really get to enjoy our courtyard and our neighbors will enjoy our beautiful front yard. We are ripping out all the evergreen bushes, the tree bush that you see in the upper right corner of the first picture above (it can't decide if it's a tree or a bush) all the river rock and all the grass because it has burrs in it. We also ripped out the two tress that were in our courtyard. One where the new garden box is and one other bush that was half dead and the bees loved. I feard for our vistors lives some days because they would nearly get attacked by a swarm of bees! I am trying to convince Zig to build a smaller box like this one where that bush was, so I can do an herb garden too. So far the answer is no, but I am working on it. I forgot to take a before of the courtyard, but I will take one of the front yard so you can see the befores and afters. Just to give you an idea, we are putting in new sod, a couple indian hawthorn bushes, a spanish broom and probably a double weeping cherry. I am so excited! Stay tuned!

Easter and Baptism...Picture overload
To make up for the pictureless post last week, I will now overload you with a ton of pics from Easter and Emily's baptism. As I mentioned, Todd, our cousin came into town this weekend and while he was here, he squeezed in a baptism ceremony for Emily. It was beautiful! We tried to keep it small, but with a family as big as ours it was a challenge. We kept it to Emily's Grandparents, great grandparents and aunts/uncles. Emily caught a little bit of a cold and had a super runny nose, but she still managed to squeeze in a couple smiles, not a lot, but a few! It was the perfect day and we are so thankful to have Todd take time out of his crazy busy weekend to do this for us. Emily truely is blessed and definitly loved by many people.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
4 month check up
Warning: This will be a picture less post, so if you only come for the pics, you will be sadly disappointed.
We went last Friday for Emily's wellness check with her Ped. She looks great! She weighs 13lbs 10 oz and is 24 inches long. She is the 50-75th percentile for height and in the 50th for weight. The doctor is really happy with her weight gain from her last appointment. She got 2 shots. Boo. I made the mistake of not moving her legs around a lot afterward and she was REALLY sore that evening. She has always been a really easy baby and has NEVER cried to the point where I couldn't console her. It was terrible and I felt so bad. We gave her some Tylenol because she got a little fever and it really helped with her pain too. She was perfectly normal the next day, thankfully.
On another note, we are having some serious sleep regression issues. Emily has always been a good sleeper. Even as a newborn she would only get up once at night. Around 7 weeks or so, she was consistently sleeping through the night. When I went back to work, she started to get up around 4 or so, but would go back to bed after a quick feed. The doc said we really needed to work on getting her to sleep all night again. Well this week has been really rough. She started getting up several times a night and going through what I think is the "4 month wakeful" period, which is similar to the 3 week/6 week growth spurt etc. Basically, "this ages marks a huge cognitive and emotional turning point for babies, as they become much more aware of -- and interested in -- the world around them." GREAT. The good thing is she goes right back to bed, the bad thing is that if I go in to console her, she wants food and she wants it NOW! I fortunately am used to waking up at night, but Zig is not. He has been such a trooper, but I rely so much on him to help now. She is still in between the age where she is waking up for nutritive needs and not just waking up because she wants to see us. We don't want her to get into the habit of waking up at 4 just because she expects a meal. In theory, we want her to take in the calories she needs during the day, so she doesn't need them at night. Anyway, we figured out partially what the problem is. My supply has TANKED and I don't know how long it has been this way. I still pump enough for her to eat during the day, with extra, but come 6:30 when she is ready for her first night feeding, I am pretty dry. We thought this may be the problem, but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. After 3 hours since my last pump session, I was only able to get 2 oz total. HORRIFYING. My heart hurt. I love that time with just Emmy and I and I know that I can feed her a bottle and it's still ok, because we are still snuggling, but it's still sad that I don't get to nurse her. My goal is to really work to try and build my supply back up so hopefully I can start again. My fear is that this is the beginning of the end of my nursing. So to back track, we gave her 2 5 oz bottles in place of my regular nursing sessions and we put her to bed with one arm out of the swaddle (we'd like to break this too and teach her to self soothe, plus she gets pissed when she can't move which is what I think is waking her up too.) She slept awesome from about 8:15 till 4:30. Zig went in, consoled her for about 5 mins and she was out till it was time to wake up for the day. Now last night was a giant FAIL. She ate a 5 oz bottle and then a 6 oz bottle. We put her down at 8:30, fully swaddled because it was kind of chilly and she was out. That is till 12:30, then she woke up, we consoled, she fell asleep till 2:30. I tried to console, but she wasn't having it. She went down after about 10 minutes of eating till 4:30. WTF! Zig went in and she slept till about 7. Now all the books I read, say that a healthy 4 month old should be able to sleep 6 hours with out food, but she has always done good before. Growth spurt maybe, hopefully? We plan to ferberize (GASP!) her at 5 months when she is developmentally ready to self soothe, but for now she is in charge. At least for the time being. We are still going to try and cut out the feeding time and hopefully we can load her up with some big bottles and continue to break the swaddle, but we will just have to see how it goes.
On a lighter note, Zig's cousin Todd is coming to town this weekend and while he is here, he is going to baptize Emily. Jenn sent us Dad's baptism gown and Emily is going to wear that for the ceremony. It is beautiful. Jenn said she'd like to start a tradition that all the grandbabies be baptized in that dress, so going forward that's the plan. And I love that plan. Ryan was a bit to big for the gown, but hopefully it will fit baby Olivia when she is ready.
That's it for now! I will upload the Easter pics this weekend and post them for you guys! Sorry for the long post!
We went last Friday for Emily's wellness check with her Ped. She looks great! She weighs 13lbs 10 oz and is 24 inches long. She is the 50-75th percentile for height and in the 50th for weight. The doctor is really happy with her weight gain from her last appointment. She got 2 shots. Boo. I made the mistake of not moving her legs around a lot afterward and she was REALLY sore that evening. She has always been a really easy baby and has NEVER cried to the point where I couldn't console her. It was terrible and I felt so bad. We gave her some Tylenol because she got a little fever and it really helped with her pain too. She was perfectly normal the next day, thankfully.
On another note, we are having some serious sleep regression issues. Emily has always been a good sleeper. Even as a newborn she would only get up once at night. Around 7 weeks or so, she was consistently sleeping through the night. When I went back to work, she started to get up around 4 or so, but would go back to bed after a quick feed. The doc said we really needed to work on getting her to sleep all night again. Well this week has been really rough. She started getting up several times a night and going through what I think is the "4 month wakeful" period, which is similar to the 3 week/6 week growth spurt etc. Basically, "this ages marks a huge cognitive and emotional turning point for babies, as they become much more aware of -- and interested in -- the world around them." GREAT. The good thing is she goes right back to bed, the bad thing is that if I go in to console her, she wants food and she wants it NOW! I fortunately am used to waking up at night, but Zig is not. He has been such a trooper, but I rely so much on him to help now. She is still in between the age where she is waking up for nutritive needs and not just waking up because she wants to see us. We don't want her to get into the habit of waking up at 4 just because she expects a meal. In theory, we want her to take in the calories she needs during the day, so she doesn't need them at night. Anyway, we figured out partially what the problem is. My supply has TANKED and I don't know how long it has been this way. I still pump enough for her to eat during the day, with extra, but come 6:30 when she is ready for her first night feeding, I am pretty dry. We thought this may be the problem, but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. After 3 hours since my last pump session, I was only able to get 2 oz total. HORRIFYING. My heart hurt. I love that time with just Emmy and I and I know that I can feed her a bottle and it's still ok, because we are still snuggling, but it's still sad that I don't get to nurse her. My goal is to really work to try and build my supply back up so hopefully I can start again. My fear is that this is the beginning of the end of my nursing. So to back track, we gave her 2 5 oz bottles in place of my regular nursing sessions and we put her to bed with one arm out of the swaddle (we'd like to break this too and teach her to self soothe, plus she gets pissed when she can't move which is what I think is waking her up too.) She slept awesome from about 8:15 till 4:30. Zig went in, consoled her for about 5 mins and she was out till it was time to wake up for the day. Now last night was a giant FAIL. She ate a 5 oz bottle and then a 6 oz bottle. We put her down at 8:30, fully swaddled because it was kind of chilly and she was out. That is till 12:30, then she woke up, we consoled, she fell asleep till 2:30. I tried to console, but she wasn't having it. She went down after about 10 minutes of eating till 4:30. WTF! Zig went in and she slept till about 7. Now all the books I read, say that a healthy 4 month old should be able to sleep 6 hours with out food, but she has always done good before. Growth spurt maybe, hopefully? We plan to ferberize (GASP!) her at 5 months when she is developmentally ready to self soothe, but for now she is in charge. At least for the time being. We are still going to try and cut out the feeding time and hopefully we can load her up with some big bottles and continue to break the swaddle, but we will just have to see how it goes.
On a lighter note, Zig's cousin Todd is coming to town this weekend and while he is here, he is going to baptize Emily. Jenn sent us Dad's baptism gown and Emily is going to wear that for the ceremony. It is beautiful. Jenn said she'd like to start a tradition that all the grandbabies be baptized in that dress, so going forward that's the plan. And I love that plan. Ryan was a bit to big for the gown, but hopefully it will fit baby Olivia when she is ready.
That's it for now! I will upload the Easter pics this weekend and post them for you guys! Sorry for the long post!
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