Emily is on Spring Break this week, which means she gets to spends lots of time with her Grandma Price! Zig's mom has been staying at our house with Em this week, since I have really no time off left after my leave. The daycare closes for most holidays, APS inservice days and Spring Break. We are super lucky to have family so close and so willing to help us out. I think she is really enjoying spending the one on one time with Grandma.
She has developed such a personality over the last week it seems. She is a total chatterbox. From the moment she opens her eyes, she is moving her mouth. She loves to talk. And she will talk to anyone, or anything that will listen, including her arm and hands. She has these elaborate conversations with her hands before she promptly shoves them in her mouth. She reminds me of Dory from Finding Nemo when she is telling the baby Jelly Fish "i'm gonna get you." She explores everything by giving it a little taste. She has taken a big interest in toys these days. She loves her pal Violet, this baby einstein ladybug who has lots of legs for her to nom on, and especially her lovie blanket, which is a small red blanket with a stuffed ladybug on top. I bought her some more "teething" toys this week, including the infamous "Sophie the Giraffe," so hopefully they get here soon. I love just watching her love on all her friends.
Here are some pictures of her from last week. I love my little girl. She is such a ham, always entertaining and always with a smile on her face. She is one happy baby and one very loved little girl.
Emmy with Violet
Snuggling with her lovie
"Mom, can't you see I'm busy"
Helping dad find the missing piece
"Nom nom nom. I'm gonna get you!"
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