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Friday, March 19, 2010

Now I know why...

So as we were expecting our little one back in November, everyone would tell me all the "bads" to expect, but also all the "goods". So I recently discovered what everyone was saying when they said having a child is such a wonderful thing. Given Michele and my schedule, I am solely responsible for getting Em ready for daycare. At first I was worried about not feeding her enough, dressing her like a homeless baby, and definitely getting her to daycare late. Well, I survived, and thanks to Em. She is such a cute little kid first thing in the morning. Let me paint a picture for you...I walk into her room around 6:45am and peek into her crib. She is sound asleep dreaming of chomping on her hands and her pal Violet. Well first thing I do is un-velcro the swaddle. The noise slightly wakes her up and immediately both hands STTTRRREEEETTTTCCCCHHHHH into the air after being freed from her night long prison. Once the three minute stretch fest is over, she cracks her eyes. Of course she sees me standing over her with a huge smile. And then it happens. She smiles as big as possible for a good 30 seconds. That's it. That right there makes everything awful that happened in my life worth every second. She completely makes my day with that smile. The fact that she is less than 4 months old and recognizes me and associates joy with that, can melt the heart of the manliest of men!!! So for the next 20 minutes I try to feed and clothe her. I say it takes 20 minutes because she wants to socialize (one would think she would be famished, but no). She looks around at anything and everything, smiling, goo-goo-ing, flailing her arms and legs. It is the cutest thing imaginable. I finally manage to get her to focus enough to take the bottle and then she does it again. She will be mowing down her bottle and then right in the middle, she'll look up at me, and smile again, mid-suck. Milk pours out everywhere, which she thinks is hysterical. Eventually I get her fed and ready and it's off to day care.

I thought it would be harder (emotionally) to drop her off, maybe when she starts screaming DADDY is when that happens. For now, I will take my smiles and go on about my day without a care in the world. I thought for sure that while at work I would be one of those dad's that could focus on work and not think about my little goober, well that impossible. I get to work and all I want to do is skip out and go hang out with my smiling little munchie!!! Pathetic, I know, but she is too damn cute. I just hope she stays that way until she's about...hmm....25!!!

Piece out, gotta actually try to get something done at work!


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