My newborn baby is no longer a newborn. Here is what Em is up to now. She has almost doubled her weight since she was born, she is growing out of all her 0-3 month cloths and her 3 month sleepers are history since she can't straighten her legs in them anymore, she is almost in size 2 diapers. We have a wellness check with the Ped on Friday and I am eager to see how much she's grown in the last 2 months (and for her shots, boo). She loves to sit up and can hold herself for about 10 seconds before toppling over. She is starting to roll over from tummy to back, which makes tummy time fun. She got her first pair of jeans on Saturday and even though they are still a little big, she still looks stylin'. She is up to 4 5oz bottles a day, and I have a feeling we will be upping the daycare bottles to 6oz pretty soon. She still nurses twice a day, at night and I never thought that I would say this, but I really cherish that one on one time we have together. I think it will be harder to wean this mom from nursing than it will her. She is still swaddled at night. We will continue till she rolls over from back to belly or till she lets us know she is done. We tried one night without it and it was hell, so we are sticking with what works for now. We just started to put her down for the night starting at 8:30 instead of 9, and will hopefully work up to 8 at some point. She still sleeps from 8:30-7, but has been getting up once during the night for a quick 10 minute feed. I don't really mind so much because she eats and falls right back to bed. She is so smiley, its not even funny. This child always has a smile on her face and she is not greedy on who she gives them too. She loves to smile a big gummy grin at anyone who looks her way. And she LOVES to talk. She started this grin the other day that reminds me of an old man who forgot to put in his dentures. She loves to play with her toys and has gotten really good at reaching for things and her hands are ALWAYS in her mouth. She drools a ton, so I won't be surprised if she cuts teeth here soon.
We did go get her ears pierced last week and I am so thankful that my mom and sister went with me. I was going to do it by myself if Zig couldn't get off work, but I chickened out. Let me just say that I do not regret doing it, but it was so hard! I think my mom and I cried more than she did. It was just hard knowing that a decision you made, caused them to be in pain. She cried for about 5 mins tops, and was back to her smiley self not even 10 mins later. The hardest part was how long it took to get the holes lined up because she kept trying to eat the marker. I think she looks adorable, but if we have another girl, it's dads turn to take her! I am not sure I could do it again! Here are some pictures from that day. Yes she is crying, but she was being snuggled by me and my mom the whole time and for several hours afterward.

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