Emily is a good girl. We had my almost 36 week appointment today and baby is head down. Woot woot. This explains why my hips have been killing me this week. Appointment went really good. Blood pressure is great, I have no swelling (knock on wood), and she is happy with my weight gain. I gained 3 lbs since my last appointment, but I am still only up 9 lbs. My weight fluctuates so much too. Two days ago I was up 7 lbs, today 9...Baby looked good on the sonogram today, but we were not able to tell how big she is on the machine that she used. She said she should be around 6.5 lbs, but she bets she is probably only around 6, which seems very generous to me. Either way, she is healthy and that is all that matters. Here are some pictures for week 35. I am way to lazy to do the whole survey so here is the quick run down. No new stretch marks, up 9 lbs, I sleep awesome right now because it is so cold at night I don't wake up sweating, best moment this week was by far the shower and I am looking forward to this little girl making her debut anytime after next week. Our pellet stove is going to get installed today, which could not happen at a better time because it snowed a bit this morning. Although, this is NM we are talking about and it will probably be in the mid 70's tomorrow...Here is to hoping that the weather stays cool for a while. I am loving it!

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