Time is flying by now and I am waiting for it to really hit me that is less than 6 weeks we will have a baby (that is if she doesn't come late). Everyone tells me that the last few weeks go by really slow, but we are waiting for that to happen. Emily is still moving around like crazy and it is starting to get more and more uncomfortable. I know I am not as big as some women get in the last trimester, but I am still much bigger than I was and things are getting a little cramped in there, yet she still continues to roll around back and forth while doing the Mexican hat dance on my bladder. Lately now when people ask me how I am and I respond "I am feeling good, just getting uncomfortable" the response I have gotten is either "You are not that big" or "You don't know uncomfortable yet" to which I give them the evil side eye. Geez people, it is ok if I am not comfortable, I am 8 months pregnant and having hot flashes like it is 110 degrees outside. It seems like people really like to share negative stories or feedback these days. I know I am not going to sleep for the rest of my life, Zig and I are prepared for that. And the whole "you have no idea" comment, yeah, we know we have no idea, but we are still super excited. And finally, "you say that now, but wait till the baby is here." My husband and I have done lots of research and yes we are pretty opinionated on some of the methods we are going to use when Emily gets here, but we are prepared to roll with the flow and make changes where necessary, if it is Emily's best interest. I do know that my husband supports me and together we are hoping that our plans are effective ones because we didn't rush into any of the decisions we have made so far. Those are just the negative comments though, I get lots of great comments and advice too. I love that some of my friends have little babies, or have had children before and they have been so helpful in offering tips and advice.
So here is the survey of the week...
How far along?: 34w5d, today
Total weight gain: +7 to 9. It fluctuates back and forth
Stretch marks?: I now have 2 tiny marks on my side, nothing to complain about. Together they are maybe a quarter of an inch long. ::Please let it stay that way::
Sleep?: Still the same. My hips are still hurting and I have to roll myself over a couple times a night for relief. This has become a struggle because Bodhi is obsessed with snuggling with me lately. I think it is because I am so warm all the time. If he could crawl in my skin he would. He is permanently attached to me when I get home from work till Zig gets up in the morning. And I can't really complain, I love to snuggle with him too.
Total weight gain: +7 to 9. It fluctuates back and forth
Stretch marks?: I now have 2 tiny marks on my side, nothing to complain about. Together they are maybe a quarter of an inch long. ::Please let it stay that way::
Sleep?: Still the same. My hips are still hurting and I have to roll myself over a couple times a night for relief. This has become a struggle because Bodhi is obsessed with snuggling with me lately. I think it is because I am so warm all the time. If he could crawl in my skin he would. He is permanently attached to me when I get home from work till Zig gets up in the morning. And I can't really complain, I love to snuggle with him too.
Best moment this week?: hmm...nothing really stands out...that seems a little sad, but honestly things are going really good right now, I can't really complain about anything.
Food cravings?:Pumpkin pie
Labor signs?: None. I actually don't even know at this point if I would know if I was having any.
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: Having a conversation with someone without gasping for air like I weigh a million pounds. I was going over a report with one of my clients and seriously thought I was going to pass out from lack of air. I was taking huge breaths every couple of words. I must have looked like a freak.
What I'm looking forward to: My shower this weekend! My sister is coming in town, which is awesome. The Kaase's are also coming in, which rocks. Cissy is traveling from Tulsa and Erin from Phoenix, woo hoo.
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: Having a conversation with someone without gasping for air like I weigh a million pounds. I was going over a report with one of my clients and seriously thought I was going to pass out from lack of air. I was taking huge breaths every couple of words. I must have looked like a freak.
What I'm looking forward to: My shower this weekend! My sister is coming in town, which is awesome. The Kaase's are also coming in, which rocks. Cissy is traveling from Tulsa and Erin from Phoenix, woo hoo.
Here are my pics. I am 34 w 3 days here. Yes, the quality sucks but I have been so lazy lately that I don't want

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