Sorry, I know this is late. I can honestly say, I was totally being lazy about posting this week. These pictures are from Sunday and I just didn't get around to posting till today. For some reason I am EXHAUSTED. Anyway, here is the weekly survey and some pictures.
How far along?: 32w6d, today
Total weight gain: +7
Stretch marks?: Same one on my hip. Please please let it stay that way!
Sleep?: Well, I get sleep, but it isn't great. I wake up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom and to roll over to the other side because my hips are starting to hurt. Still tend to roll on my stomach, which you would think would be REALLY uncomfortable, but for some reason it isn't.
Best moment this week?: Our bedding is here! Just a few final touches and the nursery is done.
Food cravings?:Food in general. I am starving all the time these days.
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: Bending over. I really took this for granted. I always keep my fingernails painted in the winter and I am not sure how I am going to continue to paint them without painting my whole hand.
What I'm looking forward to: still the Shower! Rebecca has put a TON of effort into it and I think it is going to be AWESOME!
Here are my pics. I am 32 w 3 days here. 

Oh and I came across this picture the other day. This is what I looke like at 6 weeks. Not super skinny, but I have definately filled out quite a bit! Sorry it's a little blurry!

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