Seriously, seriously lazy. I have absolutely no motivation. It is awful! So, there will be no picture or survey this week. I honestly forgot to take one. Bummer.
In other news, I saw my doctor yesterday. She said it was hard to really tell, but she is pretty sure baby is still breech. Plus I am still feeling kicks down low. She really does not kick per say. She more rolls back and forth, side to side. I got for another check up in two weeks and if she hasn't turned from there, we will likely schedule a C-section for 39 weeks, but continue to check to see if she decides to move. At this point, my doctor didn't seem too
optimistic. She has been in the same position for a while and looking might comfy.
After 36weeks, the chances of her moving will not be likely, but we will still check. We did discuss options for turning the baby and my doctor told me she was willing to try and external version, but she thinks that c
section is probably the best option. The versions tend to really stress out the baby and can be very dangerous for mom. Plus a lot of times they don't work. The cord could get wrapped in the process and I would have to get a section any way, or worse, it could cause uterine rupture and I would have to be put completely to sleep and undergo and an emergency section. She said the risks are a lot higher than than the benefit. She also said, my chances of having a
VBAC for any future pregnancies is really high
because the section isn't because of my having a small pelvis (we all know I have a pretty significant ghetto booty and some hips to go along) and her not fitting or my pregnancy being high risk, so that is
definitely good and something we will consider in the future if it doesn't go as we originally planned. While having a c section is not the way I wanted to bring my baby into the world, I trust my doctor and her opinion.
Emily is very very active. My stomach is constantly rolling around around. Everyone keeps telling me she is probably trying to head down, but my doctor said I would
definitely know when she does. I am not that big and I would
definitely feel it if she made the move. She said it would "not feel good" when it happens. I will not lie, sometimes when she moves, it is pretty uncomfortable, almost painful. Literally, I think she wants out and will push her hardest right on my belly button. She is a funny little girl and if she is going to act anything like she does now, when she gets here, she is going to be non stop like her dad. (YIKES :) )
I am still anemic, but stopped taking my iron. It is slowly killing me. I have tried everything, but no matter what I do, I am horribly sick after I take the supplement. My doctor said that it was
ok that I stop since my levels were not that far off, which is a huge sigh of relief.
Other than that, things are going good. We are counting down the days till we have an outside baby and are getting really excited. We discussed putting a pellet stove in the house, not only to be more environmentally friendly, but mainly because the best source of heat for our house currently is our wood
burning stove and a) it is a pain to make a fire in it and I don't want have to do this EVERY.SINGLE.DAY while on maternity leave and b) I would hate for the smoke to affect baby's allergies. Plus there are some pretty sweet tax incentives involved. This will be our last big purchase before Emily gets here and honestly it is a great investment based on our needs.
I really will try to be better with the updates from here on out. There are only 6 weeks left till Emily is due, and if we do end up having to get the section, it's even less! ::