The last month seems to have flown by! I have seen my doctor a couple of times and everything is looking great. She felt around my belly and determined that at that point baby was head down. With the way this kid moves though, it is likely that she flipped again. She is SUPER active. Especially at night. Here is a little monthly update.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: As of today I am 34 weeks ::breaths heavily into paper bag::
Size of baby: Huge I feel. With how big I am looking these days, she is pretty big. I think we are like pumpkin status?
Total Weight Gain/Loss:up 15 lbs total. Doctor is happy with my weight gain. I am too. I am really hoping to stay under 25lbs. We shall see.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah. Some of my tops are getting short!
Movement: Tons and tons. Jabs, kicks, rolls. Last night we even had a case of the hiccups.
Sleep:Meh. There are lots and lots of pillows on my bed. And there is lots of adjustments that occur throughout the night.
What I miss: Wine. A nice big glass of red wine. I have had sips and very very small glasses now and again. Judge away. While my doctor cannot legally tell me it's ok to have a glass now and then and how often and how much, she did say that if I had a small glass with a meal, it was not going to hurt anything. I will pour maybe 3 or 4 sips in a glass and make it last all night long.
Cravings: I would not say I am having a lot of cravings really. I still have an aversion to chicken though. Chicken strips ok, grilled plain chicken skeeves me out.
Labor signs:None yet. I am starting to get some shooting pains in my back, similar to the ones I had with Emily, but laying down or just relaxing helps a ton. I pray I don't have back labor like I did with Emily. That was no fun!
Best moment this week/month: Finally deciding on a name. This is not baby related, but potty training Emily was definitly the best moment this month. Had I known it would have gone that well, I would have pushed for it a few months ago. Seriously. Ahh-May-Zing. It is so nice not to have to change diapers all the time! She is still in a diaper at night time. Today is her first day sans diaper at nap. She has woken up dry all week, so she is ready. She even started waking up in the morning dry, so she may be sans diaper completly here soon.
Pictures from 29,31, 32, can be found here for Emily. There were no pictures for week 30 and 33. See a trend. I was lazy last time too. ;) I was just better about posting more often. Here are pictures from 31, 32, and 33 this go round. I looke exhausted! I will get 34 in this week. Only 6 weeks left! (Hopefully!)
31 weeks
32 weeks-Holy crap. I seems like there is a huge difference from week 31.
33 weeks
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