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Thursday, September 1, 2011

My kid is a riot!

And she is also 21 months old! What the!!! Mind boggeling it what it is.

This is what she is into these days.

-Sitting on the potty, just sitting. We aren't pushing it. She will let us know when she is ready. She knows when she has gone, and will tell us, but it is still after the fact. I think in the next few months she will be ready.
-Loves bath time. She could spend HOURS in there
-Loves to sing. She can sing her alphabet unprompted through G, and then if you sing it with her, she will continue where you left off through Z.
-She can say her name, though not well, but I still give her credit because Ziegler is not easy to say.
-She loves school. Gone are the days when she would cry everytime we dropped her off. Now they are very few and far between.
-She is very into dressing Lamby and "Howie" (her name, not ours. No clue where it came from) This includes putting them to sleep and changing their diapers. I tell you that Howie is one regular little dude. She is always telling me "Howie pooped."
-She is getting amazing at putting words into sentences and is excellent about using her words to tell us what she wants.
-Every morning I give her the option of taking whats left of her milk with us, or leaving it. Usually she will tell me, "Leave it, put it in the fridge". Impressive.
-She tells me bye and I love you every time I drop her off and tells Mrs. Stephanie see you soon when she leaves.
-She is still in size 4 diapers, size 5 shoes, 12 month shorts and 18 month tops.
-She is very opinionated about what she wears. She usually picks out her outfit and shoes every morning. If she doesn't like what I have picked out she tells me "No thank you!"
-She eats amazing at school. Not great at dinner though. I think her favorite foods are Mac n cheese and berries (blueberries or dried cranberries).
-She loves to give big squeezes!! She seriously gives the best hugs.
-She loves her family and talks about all of them all the time.
-She has the sweetest squeaky voice and smile. She definitely has my smile. Zig's nose (thankfully), but my smile.
-For the most part, she is an amazing sleeper. There are nights when she will wake up and cry, but it's not often and she will usually put herself back down.
-One area that I am working on is how much water she has before bed, and sometimes during the night. I am glad it is water and not milk at night, but I want to avoid giving her a sippy cup to keep in her crib. Especially when we start potty training.

I love my sweet little girl. She is silly and funny and happy. She has been so much fun to watch. I love her so much!! I will try and post some videos of her in the next week or so singing and talking. She gets camera shy, so I may have to sneak some. :)

1 comment:

  1. so happy i've stumbled on your blog!! i loved catching up on the daily happs of your little family :o). hope you're feeling better!!
