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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

14 Weeks

Things are looking up! As long as I don't talk about food too much or think about it a lot, I am pretty much able to stomach small amounts of anything. If I don't eat small snacks through out the day, though I feel awful and it's hard to eat anything after that till it passes. Protein is a struggle, so I try and drink milk. I can eat chicken tenders, but the thought of grilled chicken makes me gag. I am very sensitive to smells lately too.

I had my second appointment last Friday and everything is looking great. My doctor seems to be really into the portable ultrasound machine too, which I do not mind. She spent about 3 seconds listening for the heartbeat before she pulled out the u/s machine instead. I knew she would find it if she spent a little bit longer, but she said she likes seeing the baby too, so it was a win win for both of us. I have a tipped uterus so it can make finding the heartbeat on the doppler tougher in the beginning, but I have found it plenty of times at home, so I was not worried.

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Size of baby: According to the Bump, the size of a lemon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Based on the doctors scale, I think I am at my starting weight.
Maternity Clothes: Pants because they are much more comfortable. It's pretty much impossible to suck my stomach in anymore. Crazy how much faster I am showing with this baby. I had heard that with the 2nd that happens, but I was still pretty amazed. I look much more pregnant at night though. Any my doctor said I was tiny, which made me want to hug her because I don't feel tiny. Hey side note, Beyonce-Pregnant. According the the most reliable source, the tabloids, she is due in April. Um she is way bigger than me, so that made me feel awesome as well.
Gender: My doctor said we can schedule it at my next appointment, but she typically likes to do them between 18-20 weeks, so really only a month to go!
Movement: Nope
Sleep: Better than it has been. I am starting to get more comfortable sleeping on my side, but since this is a new position for me, my hips tend to hurt since I am not used to it. Meh. I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom because I am really into ice water right now and can't seem to get enough, so I don't plan on really sleeping for a while.
What I miss: Wine. A lot. While my doctor said she could not tell me that having alcohol during pregnancy was OK, and obviously I don't want to down whole bottles all alcoholic style, she did say that if I wanted a small sip now and then, it would hurt nothing. I took a small sip the other day and held in in my mouth. It was delicious. Judge away.
Cravings: Pad Thai. I must have it. So I am going to for lunch. :) Also, ice water, which is good because I didn't drink a whole lot in the first tri at all. And with Emily, I was never really able to stay that hydrated. For the most part I like salty over sweet (unless it is ice cream. Obviously, I am still human), and sweet stuff leaves a gross after taste in my mouth.
Symptoms: Headaches. Occasional nausea. Still really tired and lazy.
Best moment this week:Seeing the baby again.

This pregnancy seems to be flying by pretty quickly, which is good in ways and bad in others. I want to really enjoy it and soak in how good I feel (when it eventually happens), but I want to feel semi normal again too. I don't mind being pregnant. I just don't want to feel so lazy all the time. I want to be able to pull my weight again. But I am happy, and we are all healthy, so I could not ask for more!

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