Cute huh? These little chairs get great reviews. Everyone I have talked to that has them, say their kids love them! I can't wait for it to get here and it will look so good in the playroom.
As for a theme, we are going for a girlie monkey theme. I already found the invitations on etsy and we will have hot pink, orange and brown accents. I am going to attempt to make some fondant monkeys for the cake topper and cupcakes. The hard part will be the invite list. We have such a big family, it will be tough. We will likely keep it to immediate family (her grandparents and aunts/uncles) and close friends with kids. I don't want Em to be completely overwhelmed on her big day, plus since it will be winter and cold, we have to worry about everyone being comfortable inside. We will see though. In the end, we will do what is best for Emily. In a way I am excited to plan the party, but a piece of me longs to rock her and snuggle with her all tiny and soft. These days she is running everywhere! Which I love too. I just can't believe how fast this year went....Excuse me while I go cry in the bathroom now...More planning details to come!
I can’t believe your baby girl is already going to be a year old! I feel like you were just posting her little one month old picture on Facebook not so long ago. My BF Elena purchased the same chair (but in denim) for her son Cooper and he loves it! I’m sure Emily will love it too!