*She is growing like a weed, but still fits in Target and Carter size 9 months. We have a little peanut. If I had to guess I would say she weighs about 17 1/2 to 18lbs.
*She sleeps 12+ hours a night and will sleep till 8 on the weekends if we let her. Bless her sweet little heart! We love that she does this. As for naps, on the weekends she takes 2, 1 1/2-2 hour naps. At daycare, she naps for about an hour and a half total. She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 every night. She means business about sleep.
*She eats 3 solid meals a day and 2 snacks. She is a pretty good eater. She has her moments where she will throw entire meals off her tray, and then those where we can't seem to give her food fast enough. She loves meat and will eat that before touching anything else. She really likes deli turkey and pieces of chicken. She must feed herself.
*She is down to 2 60z bottles in the am and before bed and 1 sippy filled with 8 oz of milk during the day. I managed to build a freezer stash that will last till 8 days shy of her 11 month birthday, which means Em will have never had any formula except for the 10ml they gave her in the hospital when her sugar levels were low when she was born. This was a huge accomplishment for me, but I wish I had enough saved to make it into 11 months. There will be a whole other post on this later, but basically we made a decision to start her on whole milk early. Our Pedi didn't want us to start any whole milk till she was 11 months on the nose (not one drop before)and from then on she said she didn't care if she was 100% on it starting that day. I didn't see a point in giving her 8 days of formula. Anyway, we will start whole milk later this week and transition her to where she is on 100% whole milk at or a few days before 11 months.
*She WALKS! As of 10/2 we have a walker. She is getting better by the day, but gets shy when she has an audience. She is doing great. If she falls, she gets right back up again. I am so proud of her!
*She loves drinking from a straw now, so we give her her milk during the day in a sippy cup. We will work on transitioning the morning bottle to a sippy and the evening one last, closer to a year.
*She has the best personality, but has a little bit of a bratty side to her too. She is part Griego people. She has the best cheesy smile, which seems to be plastered to her face constantly these days. And she knows how to work a tantrum. Mostly she happy, but she has her moments.
*She doesn't have stranger anxiety per se, but she does get really shy around new people.
*She LOVES gold fish and animal crackers.
*She hugs anything and everything that is soft. Stuffed animals, pillows, the dog bed, BODHI! Abby is too quick for her but she loves to sneak up on Bodhi for some lovin. He is such a good boy.
*She says Dada, this (Dis), and dog (duh). The last 2 we think this is what she is saying. She will pick something up, show it to you and say dis. And for dog, we say dog to her and she says duh back. Or we say it and she looks for Bodhi. We are still working on mama. :(
*She is a total daddy's girl. She loves her dad. It melts my heart to see how excited she gets when he is around. If its the two of us, she prefers her dad. Another sad face for me. She loves me too, but her dad rules her world.
*She has the cutest Madonna gap between her teeth, which makes her look just like Aunt Koley when she was little. She officially has 6 teeth that are fully in and her bottom laterals are just starting to poke through.
This child makes me so happy. She can melt my heart with one little grin, hug or kiss. Her laugh is truly contagious. I love the way her eyes light up when Zig or I enter the room. She is just an amazing, independent little girl who has changed so much in the last month it totally blows my mind. I could sit and watch her all day long and constantly wonder what she is thinking. I can't believe she is almost 11months old and can't imagine my life with out her in it. She is the best baby we could have ever hoped for.
Now for some pictures!

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