It was so much fun creating this space for Emily. The theme emerged from one simple quote I found by Dr. Seuss and the rest just fell into place. Emily loves to pull all the books off the low shelves that are just for her, she loves to look through all the bins, and really loves to play with the foam letters/number tiles on the floor. She is perfectly content playing in this room and we hope she enjoys it for many years to come.
The quote that started it all!
I printed these images on my home computer and decoupaged them onto small canvases. Thansk to Cissy for the idea. I was oringinally going to frame each one of them, but they turned out so much better this way. I just painted the edges and essentially glues to pictures on. I love how they turned out.

Fun little pom pom things I got on Etsy.

I love this idea. I found it while googling some ideas for playroom bookshelves. These and the ones that are mounted at Emmy height are made from rain gutters. I bought one 10 foot piect of vinyl rain gutters and 8 end caps. I suckered the guy at lowes into cutting them to length so all we had to do is secure the end caps and mount them to the wall. They flex so I am not too worried about Em pull them down. Even if she does, the gutter was only $6.

My friend Christine came over to help me sew the window seat. I can't take any credit! She did most of it, but I did sew a couple sides somewhat straight...somewhat.

Cute Dr. Seuss clock I found online.

This TV has an integrated dvd system and will be mounted out of reach on the wall. We try to limit the amount of TV she watches, but still know it is inevitable that she will be exposed to it one day. For now, we try and keep it educational.

I think she likes it!

The next pictureis just a wide view of the whole room. I am so happy with the way it turned out! There is one other one, but blogger was being a punk.
As for future plans for the room, it is pretty much done. I plan to get her a little chair from Land of Nod for her birthday and put it in the corner by the low shelves.