Reading a book. Yes, it is upside down...

This is a great place to stand!

It took me a LONG time to get a good picture of Emily on her 9 month day. Taking a picture of a moving object it hard, muchless a put together smiling moving object. I was to the point where I was done and literally got this shot right after exclaiming "Em please, will you smile!" And here you have it. One cheesy grin coming up. What a ham.
We went from this...
To this in a matter of seconds. She was done.
Practicing good hygene.
Playing with Bodhi
Hanging with dad. He's like the coolest dad evah!
There is a cheerio in there, but check out those teeth!
Remember when I said my sister in law was like crazy talented. Yeah, I wasn't lyin! This was Ryan's cake and cupcakes she made from scratch. Just like it was no big deal. The day before she just said "I think I am going to make a cake shaped like a rocket," and that she did. And the cute!

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